It was old, I had it for several years, probably 12 years, and then I broke it. Ole people and ole things often break. What was this wonder filled object that broke, it was the handle on my coffee cup? This ole cup's handle was large enough that all four fingers could fit into the handle, and I like a handle like that. The ole cup had a grandee photo on it!
Yes, I have other cups, but only 3 fingers will fit into the handles. Smaller handle means smaller cup. Yes, the other cups have photos of the grandees on them and I will use them, but I will miss the ole cup. "My cup runneth over"! Where did Reverend Don learn that statement?
Let us alter the topic; the light on the back patio has, "ceased to provide illumination". This light is there to provide light in the back 40 at night. It should turn on at dark and off at day light. Saturday evening, it was providing ample illumination, Sunday morning, it was not illuminating the area. I am hopeful that I might have a light bulb in the shed for this fixture, as it is not a normal light bulb. Wow, something else broken.
When I am out at the shed, will I get the earth quake out and play with it, I mean learn how to properly use it? Who knows what, the Don may do, if the weather is good?
Well, it is now Monday morning and the above was written Sunday. I did go to the shed and procured two light bulbs that are made for that light, but to no avail. It must be the fixture that has given up the ghost! That fixture uses a fluorescent bulb.
My favorite wife and I went shopping yesterday, I was looking for a new fixture, and she was looking for something else. Neither of us found what we needed. ☹ I may try the other big store today, if I don't find a fixture there, I will order it from my ole employer.
I do not get to take the grand kids to school today or tomorrow, as their dad is off work those two days, I will pick the Alex up from school each day. There are a few things I can do outside this week, if I can remember, the weather is supposed to be good. Heck, we don't have any grass growing but we do have some weeds in the back 40.
Our black berries look very bad, there are almost no leaves on them, and the ones that are there are not green. I have watered them through the winter, but it may have not been enough. I don't know if they will survive this drought.
Coffee would be nice, got to go!
Yes, the time changed! 😐
Senior retired person who might work some today, Don the Ford
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