
Sunday, March 27, 2022

To my favorite 03.27.2022

            Wow, you and I enjoyed the posting yesterday, where me and you were the only two communicating with each other. I enjoyed passing my info on to you, and leaving all those other people out of my message. Let’s do it again today, just you and me, we will let the other readers wonder, what the Don has presented.

            As you know, it is Sunday morning and I have the TV on while I provide you with my thoughts. The TV has a minister at the podium preaching, while in the back ground are a group of what appears to be young females. One of these females can clearly be seen and there are some things that I noticed.

            First, she had a short skirt on, her legs are crossed and you can see too much, she is sitting in the front row behind the minister. Second, this female does not seem to be happy, she is making expressions with her mouth that has more of my attention than the minister. Third, the minister completed his comments and the quire stood up to sing, and this same female seemed as if she was bored, unhappy, not enjoying being in the quire. They were scanning through the quire as they prepared to sing, and a couple were yawning.   

            I would suggest that someone from the church review the video and talk with those who are on screen.             My opinion; if you are not enjoying being in the quire, then get out.

            Let me alter my topics; we moved flowers around yesterday, hopefully we have most of them in the correct locations now.

            My favorite wife and I washed the dog, since it was close to 90 degrees yesterday, and yes, he did enjoy it!

            I was allowed to leave the homestead yesterday to get gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy ($3.70) and I went by the cleaners and dropped off some clothes, then I stopped at the teller machine to get our $5.00 stipend. 

            I have a couple projects for today, if my ole senior body will allow me to do the work. I plan to fill the round bird feeders with fresh seeds, and I may clean the trailer off, getting it ready to take to David’s house. Dave and Claire cleaned out their garage and have some items to be hauled off, so he will put them on the trailer and take them to the dump.

            The weather was so nice yesterday that my first spouse and I sat outside discussing world problems and listening to ole 60s music for almost two hours. I did not watch the three stooges yesterday, instead, I enjoyed sitting outside!

Still my favorite!

Senior retired person who needs to stop writing, Don the Ford

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