
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Re-working 11/30/2021

            Wow, this is the last day of November, the month went past quickly, or did it?

             I know that all I write about is what happens here at the Ford homestead, yep it is a blog, that seems to be my journal. I just thought, you are able to read my journal, does that make you feel a little nosy?

            I just got up from the desk and went to get a bowl of cereal. Think about that for a moment, a bowl of cereal is more important than my journal. Anytime a bowl of cereal is more important than something you are doing, then what you are doing may not be very important!

            Allow me to address the title line; I just took a couple bites of the cereal, before entering any data into the daily journal, so the title line may not be that important. Let’s see, Re-working would indicate that someone, me, was working on something, decorations, that had already been worked on, and now needs to be re-worked.

            Allow me to provide a little history, starting yesterday morning, which will lead us to what must have been a devastating blow, to the senior Christmas decorator, the Don.

            It was a cool November morning as I waited for the grand kids to arrive here at the homestead. I was surveying the areas that still needs more decorations. As I saw it, most of my work was going to be done from a ladder. Now before you say it, yes, I am old, and I should not be climbing on a ladder. This ladder is very sturdy and most of my work can be done from the second rung. I do take my time, and I do hold on tight, I do not get on an unstable ladder.

            The grand kids arrived and we headed off to the schools, we dropped Alex off first, and then took Gabi to her school. Heading back home I was wondering if it was too cool to start the decorating? When I arrived at home, I decided to get a cup of coffee and sit on the Ford’s ole recliner as I consumed the coffee.

            After about 30 minutes of careful consideration, I decided it was not too cold to go outside and work. I then was able to make my way to the shed where I procured the Ford’s, safe ole ladder. The most difficult part of putting the lights on the house was, positioning the ladder. There are places where a bush or other object would be in the way.

            It took about 1.5 hours to get the lights across the front of the house on the edge of the roof, and around the flower bed over to the side walk. I then went in and ask my supervisor to come out and review the work. I was instructed to move the lights that I had previously positioned the day before, along the flower bed starting at the garage and ending about 8 feet from the walk. My supervisor noted that the lights need to end at the side walk, that would balance the lighting. 

            With tears in my eyes, I was able to drag my ole body back into the homestead. I sat here at my desk considering all the work I had completed, and all the work I am now required to do.

            When I returned from getting Alex at school, I pulled each of the light stakes out of the ground, move the entire string of lights (which is 60 feet long) and then, starting at the walk way, reinsert the light stakes with the lights on them back into the ground. That means I was on my knees, and yes, I was praying during this work period. I was able to get the light stakes pulled, then moved, and reinstalled into the ground. That was yesterday.

            Today; I still need to get on my knees again, and after praying for guidance, I will install the light stakes with lights, on the other side of the walk, around that flower bed, and all the way to the house. Who knows if my supervisor has more for me to do?

            As one can see, this is another page for my blog, AKA, my journal!

Thank you, is nice to hear!

Senior retired person who doesn’t feel retired this week, Don the Ford

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