
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thankful for what? 11/25/2021

            Heck, what do we have to be thankful for? Prices are going up, the virus is still around, and it seems like people don’t what to work anymore.

            Let me think for a moment, there may be something to be thankful for. Ok, here is something, I am thankful for my Mom and Dad, for the way they raised me, for my favorite wife, for our sons and their wives, for the grand kids, for our friends and neighbors, and so many other things, they are too numerous to list.

            We can look at anything and be thankful, or not, it is up to us to see the positive side of things and be thankful!   

            I lost my billfold, it had over $300 in it, along with credit cards, driver’s license and other things. At first, I was upset at the loss, then I considered the possibility, the person who found it may have needed the money, and if so, it was a blessing to that person and possibly their family. They were thankful!

            Three months later the wallet was returned to me, intact, and everything except the money was in it. I was, and am thankful, for its return!

            I am old, and I can still get around and do things, I am thankful. My favorite wife still feeds me, if I do the assigned work, and I am thankful. Heck, simple little things like Donna and me sitting outside in the afternoon, I am very thankful

            I think that we all have things to be thankful for, not everything will be perfect, not everything will be the way we think they should be, but we should take a positive approach and be thankful for what we have, and what we had in the past.

            Topic change or not; I had to work yesterday, I was allowed to do some painting, move some heavy cement blocks, move chairs and the ole church bench to the front porch, take totes with fall decorations out to the shed, and clean out the garage, and sweep it, so my first wife’s van could go in. I am thankful I was able to do all that, even though it was work!


            We hope your Thanksgiving will be safe and happy.

            Please take a little time to be thankful.


Senior thankful retired person, Don the Ford

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