Yesterday was shall we say, interesting. I started out by raking along the edges of the flower beds, walkway and drive way, in an effort to get the leaves in places where the mower could access them easier (access = vacuum). Then I brought the Ford’s ole mower to the front yard and vacuumed the yard. It did look nice for a short while, before the winds blew more leaves down from the trees.
Then my favorite wife allowed me to go to the Wally world store where she purchased a couple needed items for cooking, and we also purchased a new microwave.
Back at the homestead, my first wife supervised my moving of flower bed border blocks. With the new side walk we decided to make some changes. For about an hour I was on my knees in the front yard not only doing what I was told, I was praying that I would get it done right, which would allow me to get up from the kneeling position. Do you know what acorns feel like under your knees, well I do! We also repositioned the red metal bench, it will be in a flower bed. It seldom if ever gets sat on, I guess it is more for looks than anything.
The grand kids were here and that was good because, Alex helped me do some work in the front yard, moving the heavy blocks. He also took the Ford’s ole electric bike for a ride.
After all that, I was then allowed to do some painting on the front porch. First, I went around looking for areas that needed a touch up, then I started painting the areas that were close to where the ole post were attached to the house. I then started painting the new post. I did get one coat of paint on the post, and I will put a second coat on today, or in the near future, if I have enough paint.
That little bit of work completed, I was then allowed to open the new micro wave and remove it from the carton. I then went into the homestead and removed a small oven that sits on top of the micro wave, (yes, we have a stove with a big oven too). After that I was able to remove the ole micro wave, and then install the new micro wave. That seemed to work ok, so I reinstalled the small oven on top of the micro wave.
I then put the tools and other items away, and was able to drag my ole body back into the house. I was able to make a drink an had just sat down at the ford’s ole desk when my favorite spouse asked, “are we going to sit outside?” I thought I was going to need help to get out of my desk chair and walk outside, but I was able to do that on my own.
Sitting outside with your favorite wife, is much more fun than working outside!
Today I will attempt the get items back onto the front porch.
May your outside time be fun!
Senior person who still has work to do, Don the Ford
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