We hear at the Ford's Homestead had a very nice Thanksgiving. The food was good and the families were here. Yes, there are left overs which I will enjoy for a while. We hope your Thanksgiving was as good, or even better, than ours!
We did get the Nativity shelter moved to the drive way yesterday, Dave and Patrick did the work and I supervised. Wow, I got to supervise someone working, now I know how my first wife feels when she supervises my ole body working!
I need to remember how I secured this shelter from the wind last year, before I can put it in place. I know I used and earth anchor and a cable, but I am not sure how I attached the cable, out of site.
I may also go to the shed and bring the Christmas decorations to the garage. One year I used the Ford's ole trailer, loading it with the decorations I made only one trip from the shed to the garage. If I don't use the trailer, I will use the Fords ole red wagon, and make approximately 317 trips!
The grand kids will be here today, until their dad gets off work. Holiday weeks often make the work load at DIB get super heavy.
I need to get some gas in the wife's van, as Friday is usually her day to go to town, I do want her to be able to make it back home for, my supper. 😊
Cement work comment; I really like the new walk that no longer has a step from the porch to the side walk. I guess you can say it is handicap accessible, I am not yet on wheels, but it is nice to not have a step down. (Ole people like odd things.)
I have a nephew who has a birthday today, (I am not going to put Paul's name in this posting) he turns 74 years old today. We are both getting older, and we both have been blessed our entire lives! 😊
A light in the sky, what was it? Was it a satellite? Look up, you may see!
Be nice to ole people!
That means, be nice to the Paul and to the Don, says Don the Ford
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