
Sunday, November 14, 2021

To, Too, Two 11/14/2021

            As usual, I would like for you to look at the title line. Have you ever seen such an informative title line? What does those three words refer to, well it should be obvious, they refer to me. For that one person, and we know who you are, the three, “to, too, and two” do not equal six!

            Let’s see, how do I describe yesterday? I had decided TO do as much of the remaining painting as I could, using the scaffolding, for painting the peak above the garage door. Here is a photo of the Ford painting above the garage door!


            There is a story about the paint brush that the Ford is using, but first allow me to note that the Don and the Ford (aka David) together, the TWO of them worked on painting the rest of the house. Now as you can see, the Ford was using a paint brush in the photo. I had suggested that he try using a small roller in the rest of the red painting. This small roller is about 4 inches long, and it allows one to get paint into the smaller tight areas.

            We went to the north end of the Homestead, in an effort to determine what he needed, for the Ford to be able to paint the red trim. He was able to paint the red trim from the ground, using the small roller and the extension pole. I was observing his painting, while I had the paint brush the Ford had used on the other end of the homestead, in my hand. I decided to hang it on a bush as it was going to take several minutes to complete this painting. Photo to follow.

            The above photo was taken the following day, yep it stayed there all night. That brush is done! Another expense for the retired senior who is on a fixed income.

            After the Ford completed painting the north end, he and I both climbed up a radio tower, and began painting the areas on the roof. He was using the small roller with red paint; I TOO was using a small roller as I painted the tan paint. The work I was doing was from the reclining position. Laying on the roof and painting was not as easy as it sounds.

            We together completed the project yesterday. Well, there are still three spots that need to be touched up, and hopefully I will get to that today.

            We are very thankful that David came over and helped.  

            As an observant person may see, the red oak is starting to turn yellow, and the leaves will start falling soon. Wow, just a lot more work for the senior ole retired person.

            I had wanted to complain about the cost of a sandwich that my favorite spouse and I shared yesterday, but I have gone on too long, and I can see you are getting sleepy. Let me just say, the J-deli will not get any more of my funding, we paid as much for a sandwich and drinks as we would have for a real meal at a real restaurant.


everything cost too much!


Senior retired person who can’t afford anything anymore, Don the Ford

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