
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday August 1st 08/01/2021

            What did the Don do yesterday? I became very tired of sitting around here at the homestead, I decided to go out to The Bunkhouse for a couple sandwiches, which we can eat for supper. The round trip was 80 miles, I took the long way home. I saw 5 motorcycles, none of them were riding in groups, and each had a couple (male and female) on them. All were Harleys, I did not see one gold wing.

            It was between 98 and 100 degrees per the outside heat gage in the Fords ole Chevy. I thought about the olden days of riding in this kind of heat. I would have a long-sleeved shirt, long pants not shorts, boots, and helmet. That is hot when in the heat. I was glad I was in the pickup with the air conditioning, not on a bike yesterday!

            When I got home with the food, we decided to give the Tres a bath. He liked the bath and he was still a little wet, as he lay on the floor behind my chair as I enter this data.


            Heck I am writing this part of the post on Saturday and it is time for the happy hour. Also, the three stooges come on in a few minutes, got to go!      😐 😊

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            It is now Sunday, and it appears that we will have a real hot Sun Day. At this point in time, I have no plans for the day. I went out with Tres to get the paper a few minutes ago and Tres was more interested in smelling around, than getting the paper. I got the paper and Tres did not get his usual back rub, and the comment, "You are a good boy". NOTE; I recovered the paper, I brought it to my first wife, she did not rub my back, she did not say Good Boy! I did not expect a treat, but I should have got at least an at-a-boy from her!

            Now you see how ole retired people are treated, even when we are good!

May your Sunday have an at-a-boy!

Senior retired person who did not get an at-a-boy, Don the Ford


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