
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday morning 08/21/2021

            It is Saturday and the question is, what did the Don do on Saturday morning. Let's see if we can answer that inquiry. The Don got up and made a cup of coffee, and then he sit in the ole recliner and watched the TV. When the darkness had left, and the sky began to lighten up, the Tres and I went out to get the paper. Then the fun began. No, we did not go for a walk, we went out back and procured the string trimmer. I then trimmed areas in the back yard before heading out to the ditch.

            The ditch was overgrown with weeds, and has needed some attention for a while. Prior to beginning the weed cutting, I took a photo through the fence of a wild flower (photo to follow) and later I destroyed all the wild flowers and weeds.


            I have learned that it takes me longer to remove the weeds from the ditch than to mow the back yard. I used both batteries on the battery power trimmer and then I got the gas-powered trimmer and finished the weed butchering.

            When I started the butchering of the weeds in the ditch, there was shade covering the entire ditch. By the time I had begun to use the gas trimmer, the sun was shining on about a third of the ditch. I was already sweating like crazy and I needed to butcher the part of the ditch that was in the sun. A thought came to mind, it would be nice if a cloud was to get in front of the sun, while I am working here. It took about one minute and a cloud moved between me and the sun. A little Divine intervention helped me with my work!

            Did I tell you I found something in the ditch? I have believed for years that finding a penny heads up will bring you good luck. I found a dollar heads up! So, if a penny brings you good luck how much more good luck does a dollar bring you? 100 times more good luck! 😊


            When the work was completed, I got a cup of coffee. I have heard that drinking a cup of coffee after one has worked their ole mussels intensely, that the coffee works kind of like an aspirin, and it helps reduce the aches and pains in one's body.

            I also took a relaxing nap after working.

            Now I am writing to you, my favorite reader of the Don's blog!


            The tree trimmer is supposed to be here next week to trim up the trees, I hope we can find the money to pay him. 😐

            I need to go out and move some things away from the area where they will be working. More hot and sweaty work, does it ever end?


            My spouse of more than a few years will allow me to spray our bushes today, we sprayed them last week, and now they need a second spray. 


May your ditch be weed-less!


Senior retired person who will need to go back out and do more work, Don the Ford

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