
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Interesting 08/03/2021

            Interesting, what? You think I did something interesting! Wow, thanks for the complement, but I haven’t done anything interesting for at least 15 years or so.

            I can tell you what caused this uninteresting senior retired person to even think about the word interesting this morning.

            It was a typical morning at the Ford homestead, the Don had visited the privy, and had made his way through the kitchen into the laundry room, where he feed the cats. Feeding the cats is a requirement for the Don. Yes, feeding the cats is one of his normal morning duties. The Don was then able to drag his ole body back into the kitchen where he procured a cup of coffee.

            Coffee in hand, the Don felt almost renewed as he staggered into the TV room. The TV came on and the so-called news was on, all is well at the Ford Homestead.

            We are not sure how much time had elapsed when the Don became aware that he was staring at the TV and was not paying any attention to the news or the commercials. Wow, if the Don can zone out thinking about a project that he wants to do with the grand kids tomorrow, and not even be aware of what was being said on TV, I think that might mean the TV, its programs, and the commercials, are notInteresting!      You will learn about the project if we do it.

            We now would like to alter the topic; are you paying attention, or zoned out?

            This morning, after the first cup of coffee and prior to the CEO getting out of bed, the Tres and I went out front to acquire the newspaper. As I stood there being thankful for the start of a new day, the white wing doves who spend the night in our trees, decided to depart. As they flew away, there was one feather that came down out of the tree and it spun in a circle as it fell, reminding me of a Helicopter.

            The Tres and I took the usual morning walk, all went well until we arrived at the corner were we normally turn. Today we did not turn, and we continued walking for about 50 feet. The Tres stopped, looked around as if something was wrong, he then turned and took me to the corner where we normally turn. I guess he wasn’t paying attention, maybe he was “Zoned out”, which allowed us to temporarily miss the turn.

            Topic alteration; it rained here yesterday and one gage showed almost 1 inch while the other rain gage, which is closer to the homestead, showed ½ inch. Either way, I did not run the lawn sprinklers this morning.

May your day be interesting!


Senior retired person who is uninteresting, that is per the CEO, Don the Ford

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