Yes, the title line does bring up a subject that even you like. I know that you will enjoy the wonderful photo that I will add to this soon to be well written, and published, Blog Post. You are right, my blog posts are more interesting than the so-called news, and the professional quality photos are much better than those in the Play Girl Magazine.
Actually, I have two photos to add to this posting, and I must admit, one of the photos is not real good. As the Tres and I walked this morning, we came to a cross street where I saw something amazing. The sun was rising and it was just above the horizon. It was a bright red ball that I could look directly at, without hurting my eyes. There was fog in the area and I assume that was filtering out some of the brightness allowing me to see the sun. I tried to get a photo of the morning sun, but my camera could not capture what I was seeing.
I did get a photo of the sun peeking through a tree, it isn’t real good but I took it and I posted it.
Now let’s see the photo that the title line had questioned you about. This photo was taken as a selfie, yes, it is of me, and I was sitting in my ole rocking chair near the garage door. There is a blooming bush above my head, so I knew that you would want to see me and the blooming bush! The sun glasses are different from those the president has, I believe he gets his free, as a retired senior person, I have to pay for mine. Actually, I did not purchase these glasses, my favorite wife bought them for me!
One might ask, what is this handsome senior person going to do today? He has planned to go to the ditch behind the Homestead, and cut the weeds on the other side of the ditch. Let’s hope he can keep the chiggers off him while working. I have found many things in the weeds of the ditch like baby rabbits and snakes. Luckily the snakes are usually grass snakes.
Well, I have had my second cup of coffee, and I am watching the rocket take the 4 people into space. Well, they are back on earth, I need to get to work.
May your weeds stop growing!
Senior retired person who works way too much, Don the Ford
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