
Friday, July 9, 2021

Good news 07/09/2021

            Wow, did I say I had some good news? Could that good news be that I was able to make my ole body get outside yesterday, and trim the front and back yards. Well, I did do that, and that is kinda good news, but it isn't the best good news! 😐

            Could food be the good news? My favorite spouse and I went to lunch with some friends yesterday, in an early celebration of Donna's upcoming, "Day of birth", which will be on July 16th. We had lots of fun talking about everything, and the food was good. What could be better, but that wasn't the best good news! 😐

            As you would know, if you had read the previous blog posting, our Keurig coffee maker broke. My present spouse of 52 years had a brand-new coffee pot in storage in the garage, it had never been used. She bought it some time ago to have, in case we had company, and the single cup Keurig would be put out of the way, in favor of a full pot of coffee. Well since the Keurig is broken, I have put the new pot in service. Yep, I had coffee this morning! 😊

                                  But that isn't the best news! 😐

            Wow, the suspense builds! What could the Don be thinking of as, "Good news"?

            Ok, it is raining, and the grass is wet, so the Don will not be mowing the yards unless it stops raining! Wow, no strenuous work for a senior retired person on this wonderful Friday! 😊

              But that isn't the best news! 😐

            The good news is, I called Keurig and told them about my broken coffee maker. Since it was only 3 months old, and there is a 12-month warrantee, they are sending us a new Keurig! That is the good news! 😊

            There is more good news, they are also sending a box of coffee pods to us, free of charge. Now I consider that as good service. A free new coffee maker and a free box of coffee pods! 😊


Hope you have good news too!


Senior retired person who hopes it stops raining today, Don the Ford



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