
Saturday, July 24, 2021

I didn’t need a shower 07/24/2021

            Ok, that one person is just dying to make a comment about me and not needing a shower. That one person may be correct when he says, "The Don needs a shower most of the time!" I am an ole senior retired person on a fixed income, and I work twice as much as most real people. That being almost true, I need more showers than real people.

            Yesterday, Friday, July 23, 2021, when I was finished with the back yard mowing, I did not need a shower. If you will allow me to continue, I did not need a shower but my favorite grandson did need a shower.

            Alex mowed the back 40 and I observed. Alex is learning to use both mowers in a safe manner. As he learns more, he will need to mow closer to the flower beds, and maybe even use the string trimmer. 😊    Let's see photos.


            The back 40 looks good!

            I broke my own rule and went on Face book yesterday. I am kind of happy I did, as I was able to get a photo. The photo was taken I believe in the 1980s, and was of a flood. What caught my attention was, in the photo was the church that we went to when I was a kid.


            In the olden days, we lived about one block from this church. We see two windows on the side of the church, my mom always set by the first window. In the summer time they would open the windows during services and there would be air coming in the window, making it cooler, (no air conditioning in the olden days). All the buildings in that part of town have been demolished, due to the fact that the area floods easily. Ok, I think there is one building still down there, get off my case, I haven't been there in several years!

            If I may, allow me to move to another topic:

            Yesterday afternoon I was able to drag my ole body out of the homestead and venture into the back 40. My goal for that venture was to water the black berries and any flowers in flower pots.

            I was required to drag the Ford's ole hose 50 feet to the #3 bed. After a couple minutes of watering, I then moved to the #2 bed, which was another 50 feet away. It was a lot of work, but this old person finally reached the #2 bed. No, I did not rest after all that work, I just began watering the berries. I was getting close to completing the #2 watering process when I saw a ripe black berry. Wow, I had assumed all the black berries were done for the year.

            I bent down to see the berry and to my surprise there was a second berry. The two berries were large, and I called to my favorite spouse to come and see. I reached into the vines, and pulled the two berries from the bush, that is when I saw three more berries. Wow, 5 large black berries. Photo of berries to follow.

            Those berries are super berries! I then drug the hose across the back 40 to bed #1. All the berries were watered and would you believe I was able to crawl back into the homestead, but I could not get in the ole recliner, I just lay there on the floor?

Happy Saturday!

Senior ole retired person with super berries, Don the Ford

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