
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Another day without a dollar 07/06/2021

            Well, I did go to the eye appointment this morning and did the tests. I see the real doctor next Tuesday, to review the test results from todays visit.

            On the way to the doctor’s office this morning, I decided to stop and get a cup of coffee at the star coffee place. This was the first time that I have ever went through the drive through and not have anyone in front of me. Wow, that was nice.

            On the way home I stopped and picked up a couple burritos for myself and my favorite spouse. The price has gone up 37 cents for two. Wow, everyone is trying to get ole people’s money!

            My favorite spouse is working at rearranging some items in the front room. I do not have a final photo of the fire place; we need to do some work on the doors before they get replaced, and then there will be a photo.

            Since no one asked about #3 berry bed, I will enlighten no one! I checked to see if either of the berry plants that I had dug up and replanted were growing, or at least alive. They are alive and seem to be doing ok after all the rain we received. I will need to install some supports later as the berries become large.

            Well, that seems to be all for now, I have a couple things to do, so, see you later!


Be happy, healthy, not hungry!

Senior retired person who had a very good burrito, Don the Ford


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