
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Stupid is as stupid does 07/14/2021

            Who am I calling stupid? I hate to admit it, in this article, I am the stupid person. Ok, now I know that one person is jumping up and down saying I knew it, he is stupid, and he admits it! Wrong, all knowing one, I am admitting that I was stupid at one time in my life, and now I am just that silly ole senior person!

            There was a report on the TV news explaining that a fellow who was in the army, had been swimming in a Texas lake. There was an air mattress like we use in pools that had floated out in the lake. This young soldier swam out to get it, and he never returned, yes, he drowned. 

            That sad event caused me to think about the olden days. When I was a teenager old enough to drive, I along with some friends went out to trail of tears state park and we were swimming in the lake. I being a stupid young person decided to swim from one end to the other end.

            Now I was a good swimmer back then, and I believed I could swim that far, although I had never swum that far before. As I swam, I started to get tired, so I decided to float on my back. Floating on my back was a way to rest. After some floating rest, I began to swim again. It took a lot longer that I thought it would but I did make it to the other end.

            Now if you have never been to the trail of tears park, you will not understand the distance I swam. As I walked back along the bank getting back to the area where I started, I thought that I was totally stupid to ever attempt that swim!

            As a young person I did a lot of things that now I consider as stupid.

            Topic change; the visit to the eye doctor went well, he said at my next 6 months visit I will not need to have my eyes dilated. It is now 6:00pm Tuesday afternoon and my eyes are almost back to normal, after the dilation.

            Wednesday; yes, I have a real doctor visit today, it is my annual physical. We receive the new coffee maker yesterday! 😊

            I am not able to use the coffee maker this morning, due to the doctor visit, they don't want me to eat so they can sample my blood.

            Subject change; I have asked the grand kids to get out and drive the ole riding mower today. This would be a way for them to learn proper operation. Then they can use it to mow the back 40! Less work for this ole senior person! Nice 😊!

May your day be filled with me!


Senior retired person who is trying to train a new mowing generation, Don the Ford

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