
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday morning post 03/28/2021

            Yes, it is Sunday, but I assume this post will be all, or mostly, about Saturday. “What did they do on Saturday”, a dedicated reader asked. Well, I may not be able to keep them in order of occurrence but I will try.

            We went to the Home store and purchased a 2 X 4 sheet of plywood.

            On the way home we stopped and purchased two breakfast burritos, which we enjoyed when we arrived at home.         

            At home, I was allowed to get the ole table saw out and butcher the sheet of plywood. I was also allowed to place the butchered plywood with a couple supports on the top of the china cabinet, as long as it could not be seen by the human eye. My favorite wife placed items on the new plywood.

            My first wife cleaned and restacked items in the garage. We discussed the possibility of putting some shelves in the garage.

            I took a nap at noon.

            Popping out of the Fords ole recliner, I proceeded to the garage where I replaced one of the security cameras (better color, better night vision). Then I replaced two more security cameras, now I can see the back yard in color and also better night vision. The ole cameras were just wearing out.

            I could not remember a password for my security system. I can still see all the cameras but I can’t enlarge them. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing!

            I tried to make a cup of coffee and I got nothing. My present spouse allowed me to drive her to the Bath store where she purchased us an anniversary gift. Yes, we have an anniversary coming up, and since you did not ask, I will tell you, it will be our 52nd! I find it interesting that she has put up with me for that many years. We now have a new coffee maker as our gift!

            I watched some of the Three Stooges on TV and forced myself to have an adult beverage.


            As you can see, a typical day for retired people.


Mask not, you will irritate others!


Senior retired person who might have a day of rest, if I don’t mow, Don the Ford

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