
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Next day after shot 03/13/2021


            Well, I am not feeling very good. Last night, when I went to bed, I felt good, but that changed during the night. During the night I got out of bed to use the little boys’ room, and before I got back into bed, I had a chill I was shaking like crazy. When I got back into bed, I pulled the cover up around my neck, I never do that normally. I had both a chill and a fever the rest of the night.

            Now that I am up, I feel a little better, but I do have a fever and I don’t have a lot of energy. I guess the second dose is having its way with me. My arm doesn’t hurt a lot, other than when I touch the spot of the shot. My favorite wife does not have a fever, she does have a slight headache.

            We got through the drive through and it took about 50 minutes, which included waiting 15 minutes to be sure we did not have any ill effects.

            I have the feeling that I will do little or nothing today.

            First shot no problem, second shot not so easy.


I will stop now; may your day be better than ours!


Get the shot even if it hurts!


Senior person, tired and with a light fever, Don the Ford


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