
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday again 03/20/2021

            No one asked, not even my favorite spouse, if I had posted anything yesterday. I did post a very short post, but I did not let anyone know. I just was not in a mood to enlighten the reading public with my daily activities.

            Yesterday I did get a cup from the star coffee shop, after I had picked up my items from the past employer. I was able to clear some grass and dirt from some of the sprinkler heads here at the Ford's Homestead. After my ole body recovered from getting up and down at the sprinkler heads, I then obtained our fertilizer spreader from the ole shed, filled it with fertilizer, and spread fertilizer on the front yard, first going north and south, then going east and west. Yep, my poor ole feet walked back and forth so many times that I needed to take a break for lunch and a short nap.

            After a snack and napping, I then headed for the back 40 to spread more fertilizer. I can't say how many hours it might have taken to fertilize part of the back 40, but I was again tired.

            I did wash the fertilizer spreader and since I had the hose in hand, I was more or less forced to water the Black Berry gardens. The Black Berries have all new leaves, and look as if they my produce many berries this year.

            I did also plant some sweet corn in one of the black berry gardens. A friend gave me some seeds. The corn will be coming along after the berries have finished producing. I hope the crazy squirrels and rabbits stay away from the corn plants and do not eat the plants.

            Our neighbor was in his back yard, next to ours, spraying weed killer yesterday. The wind was blowing too hard, in my opinion, to be spraying anything, especially week killer. I am hoping that the spray did not get on our black berries, as they are only 4 feet from the fence.

            I check one of my above ground sprinkler systems to see if it may have frozen during the cold weather, one of the sprinkler heads was broken, I may have stumbled over it in the past and broke the head. I was to tired so I will need to repair it tomorrow if the ole body allows.

            I came in and read the Bible for almost two hours. This reading got me to the book of revelations. I enjoy revelations when reading it, as I try to understand what is being stated.

            I have been wanting to get back to the Ole Testament, and now I am almost there.

            My back is tired, so I am going to put my Ho-Medics massager in the chair and get my back to relax. Oh, let me tell you, we are having shrimp for supper, WOW, what could be better! I have the best favorite wife! 😊

Wear a mask, it makes others feel good!

Senior retired person who worked a lot Friday, Don the Ford

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