
Monday, March 29, 2021

Another day behind 03/29/2021

            What I will record in this daily diary, or as some of you know it, “The Don’s Blog”, probably will be events from yesterday.

            I got up.           I had coffee.         I put some clothes on.

            I went out in the back 40 and got rid of some dead plants. I consolidated some of the dirt from the flower pots. I replanted a couple flowers that might survive.

            I got the battery powered string trimmer and attacked the weeds in the back 40. I had to put new string on the trimmer and it was the first time since I had purchased it last year. It was easy, it actually self-loads, I just pushed a button. I finished trimming the back 40.

            I got the Ford’s ole riding mower out, and road it all around the back yard, until all the grass was mowed.

            I adjusted one of the new cameras.

            I then enjoyed a day of rest!

            Allow me to alter the topic, to today:

            I have some Black Jack gum, and I am chewing a piece now! Wish you were here?

            I am considering getting my hair cut today, if I can find enough aluminum cans.

            I have placed a bag of leaves in a neighbor’s trash can, today is trash day. There are no more bags laying on my driveway.

            Now that we have the new cameras, I see that some of the other ole cameras might not have as good night vision.

            The following photo is a view from a new camera.


            Topic change; a squirrel tried to get into a plastic container which contained bird seeds, that I had outside. This vandal chewed a large hole in the top but did not get to the seeds.

Shop not, get not!

Senior retired person who needs a hair cut and needs funding, Don the Ford

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