
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

They are coming 03/31/2021

            Yesterday, as I was out watering the Ford's black berries, no our sprinkler system does not cover these gardens.

            I, being an ole senior retired person, who can't afford to have the sprinkler system installed at these gardens, must pull the hose which is filled with water all the way out to each garden.

            Would you believe, when I arrive at the first garden, after pulling 100 feet of water logged hose, I must take a short break of 15 or 20 minutes with a warm relaxing cup of coffee, before I can proceed with directing the water flow onto the garden.

            While I was watering, I did observe something interesting. In the following photo you may be able to see something that proceeds the wonderful black berries. Yep, they are starting to bloom.


            They are coming, and hopefully there will be plenty. But, now that I think about this, I get stuck (aka injured) by the thorns on the black berry bushes. Maybe my present wife will pick them. The grand kids will eat them, but do not pick them.


            Changing the topic; my spouse of almost 52 years has an eye doctor appointment this morning. I need to get ready to take her, they will dilate her eyes, which makes it difficult to drive after the visit.

            The wind is blowing hard this morning, and the yellow pollen crap is falling off the red oaks and it looks like yellow rain!


Be nice to someone today, or else…!


Senior retired person who needs a cup of the coffee, Don the Ford

Monday, March 29, 2021

Another day behind 03/29/2021

            What I will record in this daily diary, or as some of you know it, “The Don’s Blog”, probably will be events from yesterday.

            I got up.           I had coffee.         I put some clothes on.

            I went out in the back 40 and got rid of some dead plants. I consolidated some of the dirt from the flower pots. I replanted a couple flowers that might survive.

            I got the battery powered string trimmer and attacked the weeds in the back 40. I had to put new string on the trimmer and it was the first time since I had purchased it last year. It was easy, it actually self-loads, I just pushed a button. I finished trimming the back 40.

            I got the Ford’s ole riding mower out, and road it all around the back yard, until all the grass was mowed.

            I adjusted one of the new cameras.

            I then enjoyed a day of rest!

            Allow me to alter the topic, to today:

            I have some Black Jack gum, and I am chewing a piece now! Wish you were here?

            I am considering getting my hair cut today, if I can find enough aluminum cans.

            I have placed a bag of leaves in a neighbor’s trash can, today is trash day. There are no more bags laying on my driveway.

            Now that we have the new cameras, I see that some of the other ole cameras might not have as good night vision.

            The following photo is a view from a new camera.


            Topic change; a squirrel tried to get into a plastic container which contained bird seeds, that I had outside. This vandal chewed a large hole in the top but did not get to the seeds.

Shop not, get not!

Senior retired person who needs a hair cut and needs funding, Don the Ford

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday morning post 03/28/2021

            Yes, it is Sunday, but I assume this post will be all, or mostly, about Saturday. “What did they do on Saturday”, a dedicated reader asked. Well, I may not be able to keep them in order of occurrence but I will try.

            We went to the Home store and purchased a 2 X 4 sheet of plywood.

            On the way home we stopped and purchased two breakfast burritos, which we enjoyed when we arrived at home.         

            At home, I was allowed to get the ole table saw out and butcher the sheet of plywood. I was also allowed to place the butchered plywood with a couple supports on the top of the china cabinet, as long as it could not be seen by the human eye. My favorite wife placed items on the new plywood.

            My first wife cleaned and restacked items in the garage. We discussed the possibility of putting some shelves in the garage.

            I took a nap at noon.

            Popping out of the Fords ole recliner, I proceeded to the garage where I replaced one of the security cameras (better color, better night vision). Then I replaced two more security cameras, now I can see the back yard in color and also better night vision. The ole cameras were just wearing out.

            I could not remember a password for my security system. I can still see all the cameras but I can’t enlarge them. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing!

            I tried to make a cup of coffee and I got nothing. My present spouse allowed me to drive her to the Bath store where she purchased us an anniversary gift. Yes, we have an anniversary coming up, and since you did not ask, I will tell you, it will be our 52nd! I find it interesting that she has put up with me for that many years. We now have a new coffee maker as our gift!

            I watched some of the Three Stooges on TV and forced myself to have an adult beverage.


            As you can see, a typical day for retired people.


Mask not, you will irritate others!


Senior retired person who might have a day of rest, if I don’t mow, Don the Ford

Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday, are you sure? 03/26/2021

            Well. I think it is Friday again, but is it?

            As I sit here entering data into the ole computer, I observed my neighbor (on the security monitor) come out his front door looking for the so-called newspaper. He had told me that he carried a walking stick just in case the other neighbors' dogs were out. I could see the walking stick in his hand, I carry a container of pepper spray when I go out to get the paper, just in case the dogs are out.

            Yesterday my first wife and I went to the Barrel restaurant for supper. We intentionally went for supper earlier than we normally would, hopping to avoid any crowds. It worked, there was not many people there. We were surprised that they had the tables separated, it made us and others feel safer from the virus.

            We talked to the manager and he will be getting his shot next week. Having both of our shots, we feel much safer when out and about. This was the first time we had went to that restaurant and went inside to eat since before Christmas. Supper was good, and we were not stuck at home! It is good to be out and about and feel reasonably safe. 😊

            Topic change; my favorite wife had ordered an item from the TV Q company, and it arrived yesterday broken, I get to send it back today. 😐

            I ordered an item from the on line River company, and it is at UPS in Waco this morning, I might get it today, maybe? 😐

            We ordered another item from the Home store and it is at the home store this morning, we might get it today. 😐

            Subject modification: The front yard needs to be mowed today, I guess fertilizer and rain make the weeds and grass grow. I checked the black berries yesterday, that are near where the neighbor sprayed the weed killer several days ago, and they have brown spots on the leaves. The leaves on the other black berries in the other bed don't have the spots. I have the feeling that  the spray made it to our berries.

            Well, I need to rest up for a while, and then began the very hard work maintaining the front yard (aka mowing).


Listen to others, it makes them feel good!


Senior soon to be master mower and weed trimmer, Don the Ford

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Scouting who knew 03/25/2021

            I have been attempting to find the best way to begin this story. I have not come up with a good way to begin the presentation, so I will just jump in with both feet. Ok, you are right, I am too old to jump, so allow me to slide into the performance. 

            My favorite grandson has moved up to the boy scouts and we have been talking about scouting. These conversations brought memories of when I was a boy scout. I fine it interesting that I can recall something that happened more than 60 years ago, and I can’t remember what I did 5 minutes ago. Maybe my small brain is full!

            I was new to the boy scout troop, and this was my first camping venture with them. One of the leaders cooked chili for our evening meal. After eating there was a fire built and we all sat around the fire. They were telling ghost and bogeyman stories, which I assume is a normal activity when sitting around the fire.

            One of the stories they told was about a bogeyman named, “Red Eye”! This bad person was said to have one eye, and it glowed red.

            After the stories were told there was an initiation for me and one other new scout. All of us scouts walked down to a pond (in Texas it is called a tank) and there they tied me and the other boy with a rope and said we had better be there when they return in the morning.

            As soon as they left, I untied myself and the other boy, and we sat there on the bank of the pond in the dark. It was just a few minutes before the monster Red Eye came to get us. One of the smaller boys had gotten on the shoulders of one of the larger boys, and he had a flash light that glowed red. They were making sounds trying to scare us. They were about 30 feet from us when the boy carrying the other boy stepped in a hole and they fell to the ground.

            Red eye did not get us, no one was hurt. To be honest about this I was never scared, but it would have been different if the boys they left by the pond were scared. 

            That is one of my ole time stories, that for some reason stays in my ole brain.

            Topic change; my favorite spouse and I have several things planned to do today. We are hoping that we get a couple items that we had ordered, one is a control for the lights in her china cabinet (why don’t she have an American cabinet). We will go to the home store as I need a gate latch, and that is where we are supposed to pick up the light control. Now that it has been two weeks since the second shot, we plan to go to the cracker restaurant for supper today.


Get shot, wear a mask, be a friend!


Senior retired person who was a girl scout, yep, I use to scout for girls, Don the Ford

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Who hit who? 03/24/2021

            No, my favorite wife did not hit me again, I do not have bruises all over my ole body, again.

            Allow me to provide some additional information on this title line.

            It was a typical morning in Hewitt Texas, the sun was shining and it was about 50 degrees. My present spouse and I had gone to the Grocery store, we were looking for some dog food which I found one bag on the top shelf.

            As usual, when an ole senior person needs some help, there is no one around to provide such needed service. I, an ole senior person, was able to tip toe and reach the end of said bag of dog food.

            You know, I think that may have been the first time I have ever used “Tip Toe”, in one of my blogs. Wow, I am venturing into uncharted territory.

            I pulled and tugged carefully as there was another larger bag of dog food partially on the bag I was attempting to procure. It took several tries, but this ole senior person eventually pulled the bag from the top shelf.

            After checking out, we went to another store where they sell items at reduced price. We purchased a bag of bird seed and my first spouse got a couple other items.

            Finished shopping, we hopped back into the Ford’s ole Chevy and headed for the Homestead. I, unfortunately asked, “Would you like a fish sandwich from the Mc hamburger joint”? My spouse of more then 51 years considered the proposition, and then replied, “Yes, I guess so”.

            We got in line at the Mc place, and the drive through line was not moving. There was a car behind me so I could not get out of line. It took several minutes to place my order. After placing the order, I pulled forward as much as I could, and the driver behind me decided to run into the back of me.

            I got out and checked the Ford’s ole Chevy for damage. The Passenger of the pickup the hit me got out, (the young driver stayed in the vehicle) and we both checked the vehicle. Their bumper hit my trailer hitch. The Ford’s ole Chevy was not injured, their company pickup that hit us, had a scratch on the bumper. Now you know, who hit who.

            Topic change; our two weeks period after the second shot will be Thursday. We will likely go to the cracker place for supper on Thursday!

Wear the mask for others!

Senior retired person who wears the mask and don’t think much about it, Don the Ford

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dogs are out again 03/23/2021

            The neighbors two dogs are out again this morning. Our dog was running up and down the fence at the ditch behind the Homestead, barking with these two dogs. Yes, Tres was on the inside of the fence, they were on the outside. They had been out at least 2 hours that I knew of, when I saw the neighbor lady leave. Then a couple minutes later, I saw the neighbor man leave.

            About 5 minutes after the neighbors left their house, the dogs came to our house and came into our garage. I had left the door up when I had gone outside. They left and I shut the door.       

            I am wondering if they knew the dogs were out, and were hoping that someone would call the animal control people to get the dogs. They had a third dog that had a tendency to get out, the last time it got out, they did not look for it.

            These are the same two dogs that have been aggressive toward me and at least one other neighbor. They should keep them in their fence, I even offered to help repair the fence.

            Wow, one of the neighbor’s dogs is now in our back yard! I went out through the garage door so I could open the gate to get the dog out of our yard, when I saw the animal control people were present. I was able to get the dog to leave our yard. The neighbor’s daughter came out and caught the dogs.

            I then looked at the gate and could see that the dog had pushed his way in through the gate. The gate needed some repair anyway, I had it fixed so Tres could not push his way out, but it was not secured to keep the other dog from pushing in.

            I repaired the gate, photo to follow. Yes, I should have a before photo too!



            I now assume the neighbor believes I called the animal control, but I did not. I will attempt to speak with him soon.

            New topic:

            I checked the black berries yesterday, to see if there was any damage due to the other neighbor spraying week killer during that windy day. The black berries look good, photo to follow.



            All the new green leaves indicate to me, that there will be many berries coming soon.

As you can see, another boring day for the ole senior retired Ford.


            Topic change: since we have both shots for the virus, and in 3 more days the two-week period following the second shot will be complete. I have the feeling that all is well, that we should not get the virus, that we don’t need to worry, but it isn’t finished! We all need to continue to wear the mask, stay away from non-family, and help others fight the virus. 


Be nice to someone, you will feel good!


Senior retired gate repair person and almost nice guy, Don the Ford       

Monday, March 22, 2021

A spiritual presence 03/22/2021

            Ghost may be all around us, and we just don’t know it. Now that one person may be thinking, why is the Ford thinking about ghosts. Well, I will attempt to enlighten you with comments that are all true.

            I was sitting at the Ford’s ole desk when I noticed, on one of the security cameras, my wood rocking chair was rocking. There was no one outside.

            My first thought was the wind is blowing. I then looked at the wind chime hanging in the tree, and it was not moving. The rocker stopped in what I consider a neutral position. After about a minute the chair moved again, this time it leaned back about 4 inches and stayed there.

            Naturally I assumed there was wind pushing it back. I then decided I would go outside and see how much wind was blowing. There was a very light breeze but not enough to move the chair or the wind chime.

            I sat down on the swing, about 20 feet from the rocker and watched. I sat there for about 10 minutes and the chair did not move. There was a light breeze blowing on my back but not enough wind to make the chair move.

            I walked over to the chair; this chair is a heavy chair. I used my hand and moved it, which told me it would take a considerable amount of wind to make it move.

            Returning to the Fords ole desk I again watched the chair from the monitor, but it did not move.

            Was there, “A spiritual presence” in the chair earlier, or not? If so, who’s spiritual presence was it?

            Ghosts or spirits, how ever you think of them, they do exist. If you don’t believe in spirits, then I guess you don’t believe in the Bible.

Spirits or Ghosts, have nothing to do with us wearing the mask!

Senior retired person and friend of the spirit, Don the Ford

Sunday, March 21, 2021

14 hands tall 03/21/2021

            Some of you know what the title line means.

            When I was about 11 years old, we lived outside the city limits. In my opinion, there is a difference between being outside the city limits, and living in the country. To me, houses are closer together when you live outside the city limits, and they are further apart when you live in the country.

            There was a man who lived down the road from our house, his name was Jim Furr. He was married but had no kids, he worked at the cement plant where my dad worked. Besides working for an employer, Jim was a horse trader. Their house was about a quarter of a mile from our house. Jim would buy and sell horses, pony’s and donkeys all the time. I don’t know if he ever made any money, but he like to buy and sell.

            Jim always called me Henry, as in Henry Ford. Jim did have an odd feature, on one hand he had two thumbs, yes two thumbs and they were grown together.

            I enjoyed riding the horses, pony’s and donkeys, and I learned some things like how to tie a saddle cinch, how to clean a hoof, some of the horse colors like, what a buckskin looked like. Do you know what, “Barn Sour” means, yep it means the horse don’t want to ride away from the barn, and he will quickly ride you back in the direction of the barn. When referring to how tall a horse was, we would state the height in hands. 14 hands would be 56 inches tall.

            A horse that did not want you riding on him did not only buck, they would some time attempt to rub you off. If the horse was able to get close to a fence, gate, or any thing solid they would literally rub against something, and if you weren’t aware of what the animal was doing you could be hurt.

            Did I note that most of the girls I knew who lived out of the city limits, had and rode horses?

            I guess that is enough remembering a part of my childhood.


Stay safe, be nice, mask up!


Senior retired person who use to ride horses, Don the Ford


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday again 03/20/2021

            No one asked, not even my favorite spouse, if I had posted anything yesterday. I did post a very short post, but I did not let anyone know. I just was not in a mood to enlighten the reading public with my daily activities.

            Yesterday I did get a cup from the star coffee shop, after I had picked up my items from the past employer. I was able to clear some grass and dirt from some of the sprinkler heads here at the Ford's Homestead. After my ole body recovered from getting up and down at the sprinkler heads, I then obtained our fertilizer spreader from the ole shed, filled it with fertilizer, and spread fertilizer on the front yard, first going north and south, then going east and west. Yep, my poor ole feet walked back and forth so many times that I needed to take a break for lunch and a short nap.

            After a snack and napping, I then headed for the back 40 to spread more fertilizer. I can't say how many hours it might have taken to fertilize part of the back 40, but I was again tired.

            I did wash the fertilizer spreader and since I had the hose in hand, I was more or less forced to water the Black Berry gardens. The Black Berries have all new leaves, and look as if they my produce many berries this year.

            I did also plant some sweet corn in one of the black berry gardens. A friend gave me some seeds. The corn will be coming along after the berries have finished producing. I hope the crazy squirrels and rabbits stay away from the corn plants and do not eat the plants.

            Our neighbor was in his back yard, next to ours, spraying weed killer yesterday. The wind was blowing too hard, in my opinion, to be spraying anything, especially week killer. I am hoping that the spray did not get on our black berries, as they are only 4 feet from the fence.

            I check one of my above ground sprinkler systems to see if it may have frozen during the cold weather, one of the sprinkler heads was broken, I may have stumbled over it in the past and broke the head. I was to tired so I will need to repair it tomorrow if the ole body allows.

            I came in and read the Bible for almost two hours. This reading got me to the book of revelations. I enjoy revelations when reading it, as I try to understand what is being stated.

            I have been wanting to get back to the Ole Testament, and now I am almost there.

            My back is tired, so I am going to put my Ho-Medics massager in the chair and get my back to relax. Oh, let me tell you, we are having shrimp for supper, WOW, what could be better! I have the best favorite wife! 😊

Wear a mask, it makes others feel good!

Senior retired person who worked a lot Friday, Don the Ford

Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring is coming maybe 03/19/2021

            Spring will be here tomorrow, or so the prognosticator states, but will it? Why has the temperature gone down the last couple days if the wonderfully warm spring weather is coming?

            The grass in my yard is turning green, and I have not put the fertilizer down yet. Before that one person has the opportunity to comment, allow me to say, “Yes, there is a lot of BS here at the Ford Homestead, and BS may help make the grass green”!

            I will pick up some fertilizer and other items at my previous employer today. Hopefully, my ole senior body can stand the freezing cold temps in the mid-60s, allowing me to get outside and work in the yard.

            I am going to get a cup of coffee and see if I can make a plan for the day.


Get Shots, wash up, wear a mask!


Senior soon to be yard worker, Don the Ford

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Ford's CEO decorated 03/18/2021

            Yes, the Ford’s CEO was not decorated, but she did some decorating. In the photo one will see the wonderful scrap wood cross that was created by an ole senior person, and some additional decorations placed on the cross by, you know who!

            I will admit, it looks better with the decorations, thanks Donna.


            The crown of thorns is real. Would you believe the flowers are also real, me neither, they are plastic? We have taken the cross, crown and flowers, down to our friend and neighbor. Yep, she seemed to like it.


Don’t be cross, be happy!

Senior retired person who tried to make a play on the word cross, Don the Ford

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Scrap wood again 03/17/2021

            This retired ole senior person has been working with scrap wood pieces again. My spouse of more than half a century, allowed me to make a cross for a neighbor.

            When asked if I would make one, I thought for a moment and said, “Yes’. I thought I would need to get the saw out, find some scrap wood, do some marking, cut the wood, then put it together. I thought, all that would take 1.5 hours.

            So, I got started on the project, then it occurred to me, that there was more to do than just cutting with a saw, and assembly. That wood would need to have some work with a plane, sanding, torch work, and some varnish applied.

            When I cut the wood, I had enough for two, so I made two, which meant a lot more work. I put in several hours (off and on) yesterday, I did pick up the grand kids at their schools. I got tired and I headed for a very nice supper, prepared by my favorite wife.

            I have put in some time this morning putting number two together, and applying two coats of the sealer to both. Getting the cross decorated for an Easter look, is my present spouse’s job. And then she will present it to the neighbor. I guess we will need to see if anyone else needs a cross.


            My spouse puts a crown of thorns on the cross along with some purple flowers at the bottom. I don’t know what else she adds for decorations. I know, it doesn’t look like a lot of work, but if you make one you will find that it takes time and effort.

Don’t Cross an ole person, mask up!


Senior retired person who has been Crossed, twice this week, Don the Ford    

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What day is it 03/16/2021

            As an elderly person, poor, and hardly able to get out of my ole recliner, I often wonder what day it is. I know, all you real people don’t have that problem, and have no idea what it is like not to know if it is Monday again, or maybe it is Friday.

            Yesterday, which has no name, was a day of sitting and doing nothing.

I did get all the Flowers out of the hot house; most appear as dead.

I did take Tres for a walk.

I did mow the front yard.

I did sweep up the clippings from the street.

I did pickup Alex from school.

I did pick up Gabi from school.

I did locate some of the hidden sprinkler heads.

I did have an adult beverage as I sat outside.

            As you can see, ole people are not able to do much and they just sit around complaining about being old.


Appointment; a schedule time for a meeting or event.  What does Disappointment mean?


              A comment as I see it, about the future:

              Most people use a plastic card to purchase everything. It will not be long before your driver’s license or your state ID, will be associated with a major credit / debit card company. You will then need to carry only one card with you.

              Heck, if you like that idea, the next option will probably make you even more happy. You can get a small chip inserted into your right hand or in your forehead, this chip can be scanned and it will have all your personal and financial info. You will not need a drivers license or a credit / debit card. Go to the store, walk in, get the items you want and walk out.             It can’t get much better than that!

              Oh, it gets better and part of this already exists. You will no longer need keys for your car, the chip will lock or unlock the doors to your vehicle. When you get into the vehicle, after you buckle your seat belts, get your seat and mirrors adjusted, you say the word “Start”, and the vehicle will start.

              Not everyone will want to have the chip, life will become very difficult for those who don’t take the chip.

              For the criminals, if they take the chip, the authorities will know any time they enter any business. If they have a warrant for their arrest, the authorities can come and get them.

              For the criminals and others who don’t take the chip, it will not be seen as good. Anywhere they go, they will not be allowed into any business without the chip. A criminal or person without the chip can not buy or sell anything.

              As you may see, the future is filled with many seemingly good things!           Are they good?

                                                          6 6 6


            Well, my favorite spouse has a project for me to do, so I had better stop trying to avoid her, and just get busy.


Please think of others, stay safe!


Senior project engineer here at the homestead, Don the Ford

Monday, March 15, 2021

Nothing to report 03/15/2021

            The first thing that we don’t need to report, we are feeling good after the second shot. A friend called checking on us yesterday, and she did not get an answer on the phone. She called again later and I answered the phone. She had assumed that we were doing worse since we did not answer the first call. I explained, when she called the first time, my favorite wife had gone to town shopping, and I was in the back 40 mowing. I must say, the back 40 looks nice after I mowed.

            We didn’t get much rain yesterday so I ran the sprinkler system. I did water the black berries and some flowers.

            I need to get fertilizer and some other items for the coming yard work. All the dead or mostly dead flowers in the hot house need to be brough out and either tossed out, or replanted. Too much work for a senior retired person.

            So far, the time change has not affected me, but the dog and cats have been slightly affected. When you are use to getting to go outside or eating, at a certain time, and then it changes, things get odd. That is what Tres told me!

            As I was preparing to sit outside yesterday afternoon for a happy hour, I noticed a puddle of water on the driveway. The water reminded me of a long-ago president. See what you think.


            I went to the cracker restaurant yesterday to pick up a to go order and I was surprised by the number of people there. I drove around the parking lot 3 times before I found a parking space close enough to the door that I could get my order. All the to go spaces had vehicles in them. They did not bring the food out to me, I had to go inside to get the food. I will say most people had their masks on.

            That is it for now, I need to get to work, hope you have a blessed day!


Mask, wash, stay apart, get shot! Not with a gun!


Senior person who may work too hard today, Don the Ford

Sunday, March 14, 2021

What a difference a day makes 03/14/2021

            I had a slight fever off and on all day yesterday. Donna and I both had flu like symptoms all day Saturday. I knew I wasn't feeling well when I ate almost nothing yesterday. My slight fever broke during the night last night, and we both feel like real people again. If the shot keeps us from getting the virus, a day of feeling bad is worth it.

            Here at the Ford homestead, we have new bird feeders. Yes, the ole outhouse feeder is still there. The photo I have of the outhouse was taken prior to setting it up in the yard. It is now positioned on a 4X4 post and the birds along with the squirrels have lunch there.


            I have a photo of our new bird feeders, thanks to a neighbor, and the new shepherds' hooks that hold them. The photo was taken from the kitchen window. Birds were having lunch.



Help yourself and others, wear the mask!

Consider others, wear the mask!

Senor, or senior retired person, who feels like a real person again, Don the Ford  😊   


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Next day after shot 03/13/2021


            Well, I am not feeling very good. Last night, when I went to bed, I felt good, but that changed during the night. During the night I got out of bed to use the little boys’ room, and before I got back into bed, I had a chill I was shaking like crazy. When I got back into bed, I pulled the cover up around my neck, I never do that normally. I had both a chill and a fever the rest of the night.

            Now that I am up, I feel a little better, but I do have a fever and I don’t have a lot of energy. I guess the second dose is having its way with me. My arm doesn’t hurt a lot, other than when I touch the spot of the shot. My favorite wife does not have a fever, she does have a slight headache.

            We got through the drive through and it took about 50 minutes, which included waiting 15 minutes to be sure we did not have any ill effects.

            I have the feeling that I will do little or nothing today.

            First shot no problem, second shot not so easy.


I will stop now; may your day be better than ours!


Get the shot even if it hurts!


Senior person, tired and with a light fever, Don the Ford


Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday is here 03/12/2021

            Shot day! 😊


            Photo of me after my favorite spouse cut my hair. 😊


            What could be better than a photo of me, showing that my present spouse has began using her right hand again. I think she may have been embarrassed to see me with all that hair hanging around my neck and ears. She also knows that the check has been sent to the IRS and we will be broke for maybe a year or more.

            What? Oh, yes, the oil can has the name Ford on it, and before you ask, there is a photo of me in my office area. When I need something positive to look at, I glance at my photo.

            Tres and I went for a walk this morning, and today I was carrying a dog deterrent, pepper spray. If we are approached by and aggressive dog or dogs, I will be happy to provide them with an amount of pepper spray. This spray is made to be used on dogs. It was given to me by a neighbor, to be used on another neighbors' dogs.


Not there yet, wear the mask!


Senior retired person who may get poked in the arm today, Don the Ford