
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

June 7, 2023

            So, what’s up for today, not a lot. We did not get any rain last night, so that makes it possible for me to work in the back 40 today. I will need to trim a bunch before starting the Ford’s ole riding mower. There are two black berry plants growing in the yard where I will need to mow (I might get a photo for tomorrow posting). If all goes well, I will attempt to dig the two plants up and put them in pots. I already have 4 plants that I have dug up, and placed in pots. Speaking of berries, we got a ton of berries yesterday, and expect to get more today.

            I did get the front yard mowed yesterday, there are a couple area that need to be trimmed, but I decided to do that today when I get the trimmer out to do the back 40. I have probably two 10-foot areas that need trimming, so why get the trimmer out for that small amount, when I will be doing a lot more today.

            The daily routine has changed since the kids or out of school, a schedule that one is use to, which changes, does not make a day more interesting.

            There is something that this ole senior person questions, and does not like, and that is how some real people (those who are not old and retired) drive. At stop lights there are usually white lines across each lane indicating where the vehicle should stop, and wait, for the light to change. There are a lot of real people who either can’t tell where their vehicle is, in relation to the white line, or don’t care that the line is there, or does not understand why the white line is there.

            When these real people are stopped in the left turn lane, and their vehicle is past the white line, it makes it more difficult for retired people and other real people to make a left turn from the corner to their right, past them. It really gets bad if a trailer truck is turning left and the non-caring driver has passed the white line.

            I guess that will be it for now, I need to get my day started, we hope your day starts behind the white line, and if you stay behind the white line, you may be safer.  Please be safe!

Real people verse retired people!

Senior ole person who needs to dig, trim and mow, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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