
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21, 2023

            So, what happened yesterday, we had the Cable people out to fix a problem. He found some cable connections that were old and bad and he replaced them, the TV seem to be working very good now.

            I did not need to get Dave from work as his wife had taken the day off and she went to the city to see about getting the Tax on the house reduced. She was successful, and as I understand it, they will be reduced for a couple years. Claire was able to get Dave from work, so I stayed at home.

            I did very little yesterday other than read from the bible. When I am having a day of relaxation, you know, no physical labor, I have a tendency to read from the bible. I did go out later in the hot afternoon and watered the flowers in pots, and also the berry beds. This heat takes the water away very quickly. The sprinkler system did run yesterday morning and large areas of the yard have been watered, but they do not get all of the flower pots, and none of the berry beds.

            Now I may not have a posting every day for a while, or if I have postings, they will likely be short. I have decided to get my story that I wrote a few years ago, and go back through it, I do not plan to add a bunch, maybe edit some of the wording, but I do what to put a new ending to the story. I have written this story and most people will understand it is fiction, but what if it is not fiction.

            Anyway, for a few days I may or may not post anything until I review the story and give it a new ending. Nope, I do not think anyone has read the story but me, even though I had it posted at one time.

            The weather person this morning noted; we have had only one day where the temp reached 100 degrees, but we have had many days where the feels like temp was as much as 120 degrees. Now as we understand it, the real temperature is the one the thermometer shows, and when we add humidity to the real temp, we get the feels like temp.

The Don says, “if it feels like, then it is real!”

Another thing the weather person said this morning is, today is the first day of summer, he must have been staying inside because we have had summer for more than a month.

            Have a good day, stay cool, and be safe.   


Senior story author and plant waterer, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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