We are very close to ending this month and starting a new month. In the next month my favorite wife will have a birthday, and she will be over 21 years old.
I did not do a lot outside yesterday due to the heat, but late in the afternoon, after I had eaten my supper, and no we did not sit outside yesterday, I did water the flowers in pots and the black berries. The berries are basically finished producing for this year, although I did see some ripe black berries while I was watering yesterday. I see this as odd, there are also some new buds coming out on one of the vines.
We need rain, I have a sprinkler running at this time between the # 1 and # 2 beds as the ground is just cracking open.
Speaking of watering yesterday, I did acquire a photo of some voluntary growth in one of the hanging flowerpots.
And now that we are speaking of photos, I took a photo this morning when the Tres and I were out in front of the Homestead. You might understand that the sun was just coming up over the Horizon.
A minute or two later the entire front of the house was lit up. For that one person, the name Ford is not there so this ole senior person can remember my name, although it does help at times.
I have worked on my story about the beginning of time and have put the ending that I wanted in. I have found other notes that could lead to continuation or a follow up to the story. I also found other short stories and I will possibly use these, “hot days”, to read through them.
Well, I need to get outside and water the flowers in pots before it gets too hot, I also need to go to the teller machine and get our stipend for the week.
We hope you have a good day and that the ole people leave you alone, or at least maybe an ole person might be nice to you. Enjoy all you do and please be safe.
Don the water bug!
Senior ole person who might get a cup of real coffee when I get our stipend, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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