Was it hot yesterday, yes it was hot yesterday! I was working out in the heat, now when I work, it is more like messing around, but it was still hot as I messed around.
If one was inquisitive, one might have asked why the Don is commenting on the heat, please allow the Don to “splain Lucy”. I had worked outside in the heat for a couple hours and I did have a fan moving air most of the time. I carried the table saw out of the garage and cut some wood, (I did have a couple pieces of scrap wood in the shed), I returned the saw to the garage and then brought the sander out of the garage. After working with the sander, I carried it back into the garage, and then I carried the router out of the garage and routed some wood. That part of the project complete, I carried the router back into the garage.
Now I needed to drill a few holes in the scrap wood, but before I could do that, I needed to move a few things away from the drill press. During the removal of items from the drill press I noticed that there was debris on the floor, some of the debris was dead bugs and plane ole dust. Now I have another project, sweep the floor. Do ole people ever get to rest!
Drill press cleared, I then attempted to select the drill bits that I need and did a test drilling. In this project I will be inserting a screw in the underside of a piece of the scrap wood so I need to drill a hole so the head of the screw would be flush with the bottom of the scrap wood. That complete I was attempting to set up for another hole that I needed to drill when I realized that I was too hot, even though I had the big fan blowing on me, and I needed to get into the cool of the house and drink a bunch of water.
Cool air, cold water, and resting for about 30 minutes, I was back to feeling like an ole senior person again. I hope to get back out there this morning and get the project started again.
A shop with tools and equipment properly placed, where you don’t need to carry things back and forth, would be great. Too old and too late.
Topic change: I did order a bug zapper yesterday, in hopes of getting rid of these flies and mosquitoes. Sitting outside in the heat is bad enough, but having those flies landing on everything is very annoying. Now I need to determine where I will hang it, and I will need to run a wire to it, never any rest for the senior person.
Different topic: After picking the black berries yesterday, I was allowed to get a couple photos of flowers that are in the back 40.
Some nice slow rain would be appreciated, then I would not need to water the plants.
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day, and if you are out in the heat, drink lots of water, rest as needed, and be safe.
No shop for the scrap wood butcher!
Senior ole person who needs to get going before it gets any hotter, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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