Well, we made it through another day, and we got some needed rain. This time the rain gage has a little over ½ inch, last time it was a little under ½ inch, I think that equals 1 inch. Who knew I was a mathematician? I guess I will not need to water for a couple days now, but I was planning to mow the front yard today. Will it dry up enough for me to mow, who knows?
The back 40 needs to be mowed also, but I normally do not mow both in one day, you know, ole senior people need to rest. I did get on my knees in the front yard yesterday, sometimes while on my knees I pray, and other times I pull weeds, then other time I do both at the same time. The area where I pulled the weeds has some water standing in it today, it is a little lower than the rest of the flower bed.
The other day I cut a few scrap pieces of wood in an effort to make some crosses. This was a project that I thought would keep me busy for a while, and it did. It kept me busy for a long while. After cutting the pieces of wood in the lengths I needed, I wanted to sand them, so I got the belt sander out and went to work.
All went well for a while then the sanding belt got a hole in it. This belt has been on the machine for a long time, so I decided to change it. Yes, I had purchased a package of sanding belts years ago, when I bought the sander. Now it had been a while since I had changed the belt so I needed to remember how. There were a couple things on the unit that I needed to remove before I could remove the sanding belt, and I was trying to remember how.
You would think an ole senior person would look for the instructions, and after reading said instructions, would go to work removing the parts and belt. I have a box that I keep instructions from all my tools, but I did not go there.
Reading something because I want to is ok, reading something in order to answer questions (like a test) is not ok with me. I have said it before and I will likely keep saying it, I learn by seeing and hearing, not by reading.
It took me a while to get the ole belt off and the new belt on, but I did it. Then I started sanding using the new belt, and it did a great job, until it got a hole in the new belt. I decided to just put everything up and I will address this problem in a day or so.
Yesterday I went back into the garage and again replaced the damaged sanding belt with a new belt. It did not take as long this time as I remember what to remove and in what order. My favorite wife brought me an ice cream cone while I was working in the garage. I have a few pieces of scrap that I want to cut and then sand in order to make a few more crosses. Not sure if I will attempt that work today or I may mow the front yard, being old, I can’t do both tasks as it would tire my ole body.
Well, I hope you have a good day, that you are productive and safe in all your efforts.
Learn by watching and listening!
Senior ole watcher of many things, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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