Today I want to talk about the homeless here in Hewitt. If you have watched the so-called news at all, you have been advised of the problem with homelessness, it seems to be a problem everywhere. Homelessness is not something that most people want to talk about, and most of us will look away when we see some one who we think might be homeless.
You may not be aware of this; I have over the years, provided shelter for some of the homeless in Hewitt. You may be wondering why I have decided to comment on this and I will be happy to enlighten you. In the past couple weeks two of the homeless have been staying here at the Fords homestead. Now they did not ask for permission to stay here and we did not invite them, but being the good people we are, we are not asking them to leave.
Topic swap: I had presented a photo a few days ago, of the Easter Lilies that had been covered with ice and were bent over due to the bad weather. I am glad to say, they seem to have made it through the ice storm ok, and there is even a third bloom, photo to follow.
There are a couple plants in the front yard, but they have not produced any blooms as of yet.
Wow, I just looked at the monitor of the driveway, and it is raining. Tres and I went out earlier to get the newspaper and it was warm and dry. Things change quickly.
Back to the original topic: of the two homeless that have stayed here over the last couple weeks, only one has been here consistently. I had discussed the possibility of providing a more comfortable resting area for the one homeless, but there has been no decision as of yet. It would require some wood and work on my part. I have a photo that I will provide showing the small area this homeless is staying in.
Now the photo isn’t really good, but one can see the homeless sparrow, at least I think it is a Sparrow, in the upper corner of the porch. I thought that I could place a small piece of plywood possibly 6 X 6 inches in the corner, and that would give the homeless bird a larger platform to rest on. Right now, he / she has a 1.5-inch corner ledge, to rest on.
Before anyone asks, when I said I have provided shelter for the homeless over the years I meant that I have built many bird houses and they are for the homeless.
Swap topics: Yesterday was a nice day and I did go to the Star coffee place to get a cup, then I went to the past employer to wait on Dave to get off work. As I sat outside drinking my coffee and waiting for Dave, several of the people that I had known from years past came out and I was able to talk with a couple. One fellow who I hired many years ago said, he planned to retire this year, he will have work at the company for 41 years.
There seems to be several common opinions among the staff who have been there a while, and one of those opinions is that Corp. staff should take time to talk with the hourly staff. Corp. staff might be surprised at what they could learn, and the hourly would be happy to get some attention from Corp. staff.
If management wants to know what’s going on, talk to the hourly who do the work!
“Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened!”
I did get the kids home from school safely, and I went to the free food session prior to the bible study meeting. We had 14 men in our study group last night!
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day, stay safe and be nice to the homeless.
Be kind to all!
Senior person who needs to get a cup and rest from all this enlightenment, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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