
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22, 2023

            You are my favorite reader, and this posting is just for you! Let’s see, what can I present to you my favorite about what I did yesterday. Not a lot happened yesterday, I did need to get up and get ready early yesterday morning, as I had a doctor’s appointment at 7:30. Who schedules appointments that early in the morning other than Ole people. Heck, it was so early that I did not have time to stop and get a real cup of coffee on the way to the appointment.

            I did get there on time, and got checked in, they called me back to the same room that I was in last time they cut on me.

            Did I tell you it is raining this morning; well, it is raining. I did get my favorite wife’s so-called newspaper in for her, and I did get the neighbors newspaper, as they are still on vacation. It must be nice to be rich and take those long boat cruses allowing others to wait on you. I did put the neighbor's newspaper on another neighbor's front porch, so they could have the adds, even though there aren’t many adds anymore.

            Did I get off subject? Let’s see, I went to the doctor, I checked in, they took me to the same room as last time, ok, I know where I am in this story. The doctor is a short lady, and she is very friendly. She came into the room and they, the male nurse and her, were preparing to cut on me. This cutting was to be on my face, I hope I have a photo for later in this posting. Before they started, I showed her a place on my hand, and she said they would need to take a sample of that too.

            They got their knives out, and after poking me with a needle that had some pain killers in them, they began to cut on my ole face. It did not take long, and they were through. They take the parts that they had removed to be tested. They were nice enough to bring me a cup of coffee.

            Well just like last time, it took them about an hour to test the samples. They came back and said everything looks ok, and then they wanted to sow me up. I do not know how many stitches they put in my ole face, but it took a while, so I assume there are several.

They then decided to work on my hand, where they removed a sample of the Don, and I assume they will allow me to come back later to get my hand cut on. They gave me instructions as to how to take care of the wound, I get to go back to get the stitches removed next week.

            I show you a photo of my bandaged face, and all you can see, is my hair sticking out on the back of my head, I don’t know why I even try to enlighten you.

            I guess the rest of the day was like normal, I did get Dave from work and get him home safely, I did get the kids from school and get them home safely.

            Back at home my favorite wife and I went outside and sat, enjoying a nice cold drink and the 83-degree temperature. A friend from across the street came over and we had some nice conversations, we also talked about politics too. Later his wife came over and that made the conversations even more lively.

            After all was said and done, my first wife prepared a Pizza for our supper, well, she opened the box and put it in the oven. We have had this type of pizza before, and it is good!

            Guess that was all that took place yesterday, nothing exciting ever happens for the ole people at the Ford’s Homestead, we hope your day was more interesting, very restful and very safe.

Rain nice!

Senior retired person who was going to work outside today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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