
Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 25, 2023

            Let’s see what is happening, it is Saturday, and I have nothing scheduled for the day. I can tell you that the bird that has been using the front porch as its night resting place, was not there again this morning.

            There is a good chance that we may go out for lunch today, Patrick and Karla are coming to the Ford homestead today.

            If the wind would say quiet today or tomorrow, I would possibly attempt to remove leaves from a couple of the front flower beds. It will take some raking and using the leaf blower to clear them out, but I will not be able to get all the leaves.

            Yes, I did go for a burrito and a cup of real coffee this morning, both were good!

            I have been attempting to follow the instructions provided by the doctor for the cut on my face, even though I did not have a bandage on it yesterday. The cut seems to be doing ok, and I get the stitches out next Tuesday.

            I need to get outside and feed the birds, I wish I could keep the squirrels away from the bird food. Well, I know this is a very short posting but I don’t have a bunch of thoughts to write about today.

            We hope your day is safe and very interesting, please be nice to old all people.

Saturday or sat all day?

Senior ole person who might just sit all day, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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