Yesterday I was sitting around the house doing nothing, so I decide to get out of the house for a while and go get some gas for the Ford’s ole Chevy. I asked my present spouse if she needed to go anywhere or if she just wanted to get out of the house with me for a while. She did not need to go anywhere, so she stayed home. I went and got gas and a cup of coffee.
Topic swap: I have a photo, but it is difficult to see what I am trying to present to you, the pecan tree is starting to bud out. Pecan trees are normally the last trees to have leaves. Odd!
Arriving back at home I was informed that my first wife now, needed to go to town to get an item. We loaded up in the Ford’s ole Chevy and headed off to town. I dropped her off in front of the store and then I found a parking space. 30 minutes later I received a call that she was in front of the building and ready to go home. I drove around the parking lot and picked her up in front of the store.
As I sat in the parking lot, I was observing people. There were two young fellows who got out of their vehicles and opened the trunk where one of them removed and item in a container that appeared to be about 30 inches long, and he put the strap over his shoulder, the other fellow had his container already on his shoulder. They together walked to the pool hall. Yep, they had their own pool cues, maybe they were Pros.
I saw another fellow come out of a store and walk to a pickup truck with probably his father. The young fellow was heavy set and had shorts on. The shorts were hanging down on his behind to a point that when he tried to get into the pickup, he had problems getting his leg in the vehicle, all he needed to do was pull his shorts up.
I saw a young lady who from the back appeared to be dressed ok, but her hair which was long, was also green and blue. To me, I think that green or blue hair on anyone is not attractive.
Arriving back at home yesterday, I sat in front of this ole computer and entered the above information.
Later that afternoon my favorite wife and I sat outside for about 45 minutes. The temp was about 53 degrees, and the wind was not blowing. As long as the sun was shining on us, we were comfortable, but as soon as it began to go down we departed the Ford’s ole swing and went inside. I do have a photo of the two of us, that I assume you will want to keep, and maybe frame it and put it on your wall.
As you look upon our photo, you may notice that we were sitting close together, and I have my hat on. If you look close you will see that my favorite spouse has her sunglasses on.
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope your day is interesting and please stay safe.
Senior retired person who is ready for a short break before my morning nap, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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