What more do I need to say, the date says it all? Back in the olden days, when I was a real person, you know, I had a job, there was a friend who was superstitious. I will not mention his name, but he would actually take Friday 13th off. We hope your 13th is safe and blessed.
We went to a concert last night; it was the 6th grade orchestra’s last for the school year. They have improved a lot since the first of the year. Nice job Alex!
Other than delivering and retrieving the grand kids from school today, what will the Don have to do? Well, he was able to get the back 40 mowed yesterday, so today he will need to trim the grass and weeds from the fence and flower beds.
Speaking of mowing, I was surprised to find a new black berry growing outside of the berry patch. Now that is not unusual, as I find them often, trying to expand their area of domination. This berry was about 9 feet away from the number one berry patch, photo to follow,
The aggressive plant was mowed over, actually there were three of them, two were closer to the beds.
Topic change: while the Tres and I were outside this morning, as we were enjoying the early morning sun rise, we heard a noise coming from a plant that sits on the porch. At first, I thought it sounded like a squirrel. I wondered if there could be a small squirrel in that flower.
Being inquisitive, I removed the flower from the crock which it was sitting in (the flower was located in the crock, on a small upside-down flowerpot) photo to follow.
Inside the crock I observed 2 frogs in the water. Yes, there is only one in the photo, when I returned to get a photo, one of them was gone. How did they get there? Can frogs climb on flowers to get in and out of the crock?
We dumped the water and the frog out of the pot, I have been instructed to reposition the crock, so it is upside down, thus removing the home for the frogs.
I need to get ready to take the kids to school, see you later!
Have a good day!
Senior finder of frogs, Don the Ford
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