
Monday, May 2, 2022

Did he get them 05.02.2022

            Yep, he got them yesterday. He went to the home store about 10:00 Sunday morning, and arriving early morning there weren’t many people there.

            What? You want to know who he is?

            He is the person who is writing this article for the blog. I don’t know why he even tries.

            Let me alter the terminology from “he, to “the Don.” The Don did go to the store early, and the Don was able to get the boards the Don needed for the hot house project. I have some photos showing the grueling work that the Don, has done to complete the project.

            Being a senior person, the Don used a hand saw, to cut all these boards. Yes, it is difficult for an ole person to use a hand saw, but it would have been even more difficult to get the chop saw out, run the extension cord, use the saw, then put it all back.

            Our pot hound seems to always lay where the saw dust falls, he was covered with saw dust.

            In the above photo, one might see the freshly cut boards which were placed on the shelf frame. These boards had not been attached when the photo was taken. When I get done, I need to sweep the floor, spray for bugs, and get rid of three wasp nests. It wasn’t really difficult work, and I do have the boards attached to the frames.

            It was hot inside the hot house; I did have the vent open to get a little fresh air while I was working.

            Subject change; we did wash the dog yesterday afternoon, in part to get the saw dust off, and to make him smell better.

            This morning, Monday the 2nd, the grand kids showed up early, due to their mother needing to be at work early, as it is the first of the month. The grand kids and I went to the star coffee place to get them a couple drinks, and on the way back home we stopped and got breakfast burritos, and I got a cup of coffee.

            Not sure how the rest of the day will go, but I hope we all have fun and stay safe.

            Last topic swap; we are now in the month of May, and I say,

                                    “May the fourth be with you”!

            If you don’t understand that statement, maybe you can ask someone what it means.


Work not, rest more!

Senior nap taker, and sometimes nice guy, Don the Ford

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