
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Only at home 09/21/2021

            It happened, but only at the homestead.

            In the predawn hours of the morning, the Tres and I were out for the morning exercise. It is a very warm morning and the humidity was high. Tres has led me down the street, and we had made the turn at the cul-de-sac and were heading back up the street. As we approached the front of the Ford’s Homestead, I heard a sound that seemed to be coming from the direction of the homestead. This sound was kind of like water spraying from the lawn sprinklers.

            We continued walking, and as we came closer to the Homestead, I determined that the sound was coming from the oak trees. There was a light breeze blowing in the trees, causing the leaves to rub together making the sound.

            Now that isn’t unusual, except this light breeze was only in the oak trees in front of the homestead. I looked around at the neighbor’s trees and there was zero breeze. So how can a breeze be in one person’s trees, and not across the street at the neighbors?

            It is like the other day when it was raining. There was rain at the cul-de-sac but none at our homestead. To me it seems odd that someone gets the rain or breeze, and others do not.

            Tres and I continued our walk, and I would say it was uneventful, until we arrived back at the Ford homestead. As we entered the driveway, we both noticed a light breeze coming toward us from the driveway. There had not been any breeze during the entire walk, but there was a breeze at the homestead.

            I have noticed that the oak trees are not producing as many acorns this year as they have in past years. I wonder if it is due to the hard freeze, we had this winter? I am not complaining!

            Topic change; the grand kids arrived early today, so we ventured forth to the star coffee place to see if we could get a morning drink. The line wasn’t too long at the drive through, so we got in line. Even though the line wasn’t too long, it took us 15 minutes to get our drinks. Both kids did make it to school on time.

            Topic switch; it was a warm 101 here yesterday, and it is supposed to be a cool 87 here today, as a cold front is coming through. A nice temp drop, the day before Fall begins!

            Subject alteration; we have not heard from the tree trimmers; they are supposed to be here tomorrow. I guess if they don’t show up, I could do a lot of the trimming myself. I just do not want to do all that work, but I guess if I take my time I could do it. Photo of trees to follow.


         The two 
trees at the Ford’s ole shed need to be removed. The trimming people are supposed to also clean some dead limbs out of the oak trees in the front yard.

            Adjusted topic; the house next door is still empty, and it is now up for rent! Hope we get good renters. One neighbor is getting ready to go on another two-week cruse, while another neighbor is going on a one-week vacation. Everyone seems to be vacating our neighborhood. Did I say, or do, something wrong, again?


Be nice to your neighbors,

            Or they might leave you!


Senior retired person who is on vacation all the time, Don the Ford

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