
Monday, September 27, 2021

New week starting 09/27/2021

            As I sit here in the Ford’s ole office, I am looking at the security cameras, and they are all in the night mode. When they are in the night mode, I can see any and all spider webs that are in front of the cameras. In day mode the webs can’t be seen. I need to go out and clear off all the areas in front of each camera.

            Wow, as I sit here attempting to eat a bowl of cereal, I just saw a spider or something crawl across the front of a camera. I don’t know how big it was but it blocked the entire screen for a second!

            Topic change; yesterday was Sunday, and we decided to go to the cracker restaurant for breakfast. This time we went to the one in Bellmead, we had not been there in about a year. Most of the staff were people that we did not know, although there were a couple that we knew. The one server came up to us as we were being seated and gave us both a hug, saying, “You survived”! We assume, since we had not been there for a year, she thought we had got the virus and passed away.

            They were short on help at the restaurant, and the service was very slow. The food was ok, the shopping in the store was good!

            I plan to take the Tres for a walk when I get back from taking the kids to school this morning, and then I have another project outdoors, including clearing the security cameras. 

            I noticed yesterday, when I was removing things from the Ford’s ole trailer, that there may be enough scrap wood to make a small work bench for the back 40. My favorite wife has been using an ole small bench that is falling apart, and I need to get rid of it. Let’s see if I have the desire and if I have enough scrap lumber to do that project. 

            Well, it is getting close to time to take the grand kids to school, and I need to finish my coffee, so I better go.


Have fun, smile occasionally!

Senior ole person who likes a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

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