I have a one-of-a-kind cane. This wonderful cane is unique, in that it has two leges on it. Now one might think that the two legs are there for safety reasons, you know, if one breaks the other is still there, wrong! The two legs are there because the limb grew that way, and when I found it I liked it. A quality photo to follow.
The chain one might see hanging from the door, to the left of the cane, is something my wife uses in an effort to control me, no, it is a lead to control the Tres!
I have a comment about tooth paste. The tooth paste my favorite wife purchased for me is something I like. It tastes good, and it seems to clean the teeth properly. There is however, something I do not like. I am about one third of the way through this tube of paste, when I got an air bubble out of the tube. Then, a couple days later while attempting to use the paste, I found another air bubble. Wow, I assume the manufacture puts air into the tube, to make it look full for us, the customers. Cheat not and your business will prosper!
As I sit here in front of the Ford's ole computer, I noticed a female subject go down the street quickly on her bike. This lady rides up and down this street almost every day. Her coasting down the street brought a thought back to this senior retired person's ole brain (aka, memory of the olden days).
When I was "a children" either 10 or 11 years old, we lived in the country and at the bottom of a hill, the hill was known as "snake hill". Now I could allow you to consider why the hill was known locally as "snake hill", but I know that one person will need me to explain. It was called snake hill because it had 3 curves in it. After the last curve the road continued downhill for about an eighth of a mile ending at Juden creek.
The hill was very steep, and when the kids wanted a challenge, we would push our bikes to the top of the hill. Then those of us who were brave (aka silly kids) we would get on the bike and start down the hill, riding without hands on the handlebars! Trust me on this, we were using the breaks all the way down the hill as it was steep! The one curve was very sharp and only a few of us could make it all the way without touching the handlebars.
Some silly kids, grow up to be silly grandpas! I know, I did! 😊
Well, I need to leave the Ford's ole homestead today, I need to pick up a prescription for Tres. Why do pet prescriptions cost more than human prescriptions? ☹ I also need to pick up a retiree order at the past employer.
My favorite wife and I had lunch yesterday with our son Patrick and his wife Karla, they were in Hewitt due to Karla's father having surgery. Good food and nice conversations.
Well, I need to go. Nope I don't need a cup of coffee, I need to go!
Act nice, even if you aren't!
Senior retired person who has things to do, Don the Ford
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