What are your plans for this wonderful day? What, you don’t have any plans! I have one plan and then a couple things I need to do but they are not plans.
My plan is to clear out some of this paper work and other stuff from my so-called office area. Let’s see if the Don can follow through on that plan.
I will be taking the grand kids to school this morning and picking Alex up from school this afternoon.
As one can see, my day is full, or is it foolish? I like to be thought of as silly, but not foolish, are they the same thing?
My furry friend and I went for an early morning walk this morning; it was still dark when we left the homestead. The temp was a very nice 66 degrees.
I may have commented on this before, if so, then don’t read this paragraph. The newest neighbors on the corner are all female subjects. I have noticed one of the females coming out of their garage early each morning, and she has the light on her phone on. I assume she uses it to see where she is going. The odd thing as I see it, there is a pole light, aka street light, on the corner where they live. The area seems to be well lit. That is none of my business, so why comment?
The house that has sold next door to us is still uninhabited. That means no one has moved in yet. The grass in the front yard is about a foot tall, glad I am not going to try to mow that yard. We believe the new owners are expected to arrive in the next couple days. We still have not met them; we hope they are as good as the previous neighbors were.
It is now time to see if I can get things organized in the, “Ford’s ole office”. The key for me is, staying focused on the project. I have a tendency to get distracted by almost anything. Attention deficit disorder, could be a part of my problem. If I don’t get started, I will never get done.
May your attention be focused!
Senior ole retired person who is getting organized? Don the Ford
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