We are getting closer to being, back to normal. Yesterday, I mounted the Ford’s bike and rode out to the Post office to get our mail, would you believe, it is 20 miles from our homestead? I would not believe that either, it is 2 miles one way to the post office. The lady that I spoke with did not believe that I was on a bike, she does not know my bike has an electric motor. I guess I look too old to ride a bike. I did get my driver’s license yesterday, now I can drive again. Yes, I have been driving, that was a joke.
I am still missing two things that I normally carry with me. Maybe some day I will have them all. I might ride the bike to the post office again today, depending on what time I get the notice of delivery.
Don’t ask, each morning I get notified of what I will be receiving in the mail that day, so I will know what they will be putting in my mail box, and if it is important, I can be home when the mail person delivers. Yes, anyone can do this.
Depending on how everything goes and what I get in the mail, I would like to visit my bank so they can scan my driver’s license, which will update my photo in their system. At my bank, if I go in and want to take any money from my account, the person I am talking to will see my photo on their monitor. It is for security, not because I am very good looking!
Also, I need to do some weed trimming today but no mowing. It has been to dry lately, and the grass isn’t growing as fast.
With all that, I would also like to get the hairs on my old head cut today.
As usual, nothing to do for this senior ole person.
Plan not, do not!
Senior ole person who hasn’t scheduled a nap yet, Don the Ford
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