Yes, you are probably correct, the Don is too old to have a mystery, it must have been a dream. Nope, this one was a real mystery, said the Don! This mystery started when the Don received an email from the company who provides guidance, internet, and many other services to be used in your vehicle. The company wanted me to upgrade to the full-service plan. Heck I didn’t know I had a plan.
I checked with the Ford Homestead’s CFO, to see if we had been paying a monthly stipend to this company. I had forgotten that we were paying this monthly, but we were. My spouse of more than half a century had gotten use to seeing the bill and did not bother to complain to me. Heck, I found that I had GPS guidance and did not know it. I will review what we have and decide if I want to keep it or not.
Topic change; yesterday I did some work on the soon to be, our outdoor work bench. I have a couple photos that could be of interest to at least one reader, I know about those of you who are not interested, but that one reader likes my posting.
In the first photo one can see the work station for this ole retired person, yep I have to get the electric from the back patio to power the chop saw. In photo two, we have a close up of the saw, and if you want to know why there is a brush on the board, it is to remove dirt and other debris from the scrap wood, prior to cutting. In photo three we see, one end of the soon to be outside work bench.
I need to go to town today to get some screws and a couple wheels, then I will be able to put the unit together. The unit will be shorter than I had planned, I measured the legs from the ole bench but I did not allow for the fact, that the work area of the old bench, was about 8 inches higher than the legs. I don’t see this as a problem, my favorite wife is shorter than me, and she will likely use it more than me.
While in town I might get a cup of coffee and I my purchase a bottle of adult beverage along with the screws.
Work hard, you deserve it!
Senior retired person who needs to drive into town darn it, Don the Ford