Yes, I do understand, you are getting tired of me telling you what I have or have not done. That being the situation, just stop reading this posting now. During the day, do not wonder what I had to say or what photos I have included. No one, not even you, should have to put up with my rantings!
Let see, for the rest of you, where should I begin? I bought some very expensive lumber Thursday, hoping to be physically fit enough to build a rack in the garage.
Friday, I drug my ole body out in the super-hot garage, (I did have a fan) where I began to mark the boards for the sawing that would take place. It is difficult for ole retired senior people to make all those cuts with the hand saw, so I walked all the way out to the ole shed and secured my chop saw, which is on a folding rack with wheels. I was able to pull the chop saw from the back 40 up to the garage door.
Looking around, it was decided that I should place the chop saw in the shade in the front yard. I then reviewed and remeasured all the markings that I had placed on the wood, measure twice cut once!
I had to do several adjustments to the chop saw as the cuts I wanted to make, would only cut half way through the boards. These cuts allowed me to insert other boards onto the cut which help make the rack stronger. You may be able to see one of the cuts in the photo below.
I made a few cuts and then went to lunch. I rested my poor ole body after a quick lunch then I returned to the heat and heavy work load. It took a while to make all the cuts, then I began putting the puzzle together. Photo to follow, front and back ready to be attached.
Yes, my supervisor Tres, was taking a nap when this photo was taken.
I procured some clamps from the shed, which I used to hold the front and back together so I could attach the connecting boards. I know it all sounds easy but it wasn’t, and even though I had a fan it was very hot.
I had started working about 9:00am, and had the unit together about 3:00.
After all that work, I went into the house for a 20-minute rest break. Rest over, I went into the ole office and read the bible for a while.
I then decided to go out and mow the back yard. It was very hot in the back yard but there was some shade in a few spots. The grass in the back yard was much taller than I thought. In the next to last pass through the yard, the lawn mower quit running. It did start again and as I was mowing the last strip of grass the mower stopped again. It started again and I finished the yard and the mower stopped again. Something else that needs my attention!
All the work completed we picked the black berries.
The day was mostly over when my favorite spouse told me that I would be allowed to paint the rack before it is put into use.
Saturday: I painted the rack. Photo to follow, there is one spot that I missed.
The above was two days reviewed of an ole person’s work.
Tired but still moving!
Senior retired person with more work in the garage and on the mower, Don the Ford
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