
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Another nice day 06/10/2021

            Yesterday was a nice day. The grand kids were here and we enjoyed several good conversations, you know, between time at the computer screens. Alex showed me a game he has been playing where he has built a fortress, I am glad he is doing it, I doubt that I could stay focused long enough to do all that he has done. He told me he has played this game for years and he is at an extremely high level!

            Gabi showed me some drawings that she was looking at on some program, they were very good.

            Lunch was homemade chicken noodle soup, we all enjoyed it.

            I was in the yard picking up sticks when Bill, a neighbor said, we should not be mowing today, tomorrow, Thursday is the right day for everyone to mow. I agreed. Then I went an procured the Fords ole mower and mowed the front yard. I got ahead of the neighbors! 😊

            I think I may get my hair cut today, if I have enough funding. When I was a kid, a haircut cost a dollar. I asked Alex to go with me so I could ask the hair cut person to cut my hair similar to his hair cut. The hair on the sides of his head is mostly gone. I might be too hansom if I get my hair cut like that.

            I need to get out of here so Alex can have the desk.


Less hair, hansom me!

Senior person who cut the grass before the other neighbors, Don the Ford

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