
Saturday, June 12, 2021

Weekend no work 06/12/2021

            Finally, the weekend is here, no work just rest. If you believe that you will believe anything. I have a list of things to do and places we need to go.

            Air conditioner is now repaired, the unit outside had a leak and all the gas escaped. Basically, a weld broke and needed to be resealed. It was 82 in the house when the unit was again working. The repairman said, it will take a while to cool the furniture and everything down. I normally do not think about anything other than me, needing to be cooled.

            I might be able to do some work on #3 bed today, the top of the soil is dry.

            We need to buy a refrigerator. Several years ago, we purchased an ice box (aka refrigerator) and it turned out to be defective, we were given our money back and we purchased another ice box. The defective unit was then placed in the garage and has been there for several years. Well, the freezer unit is making noise now, the refrigerator part seems ok for now, so we need to get a new unit.

            We need to get some dog food today.

            Let’s look at some photos.



            The back yard is now dry and we can enjoy the flowers.

Be happy and safe!

Senior retired person who had his coffee, Don the Ford

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