
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sunny Morning 06/02/2021

            The sun was so bright this morning that we, Tres and Me, needed sun glasses when we went out to get the so-called newspaper. The sun shine helps me feel more positive and we are not going to talk about the likely rain coming this afternoon.

            It would be very nice if the yard was dry enough to work in it. I still have black berries that need to be planted. Heck, I haven't even been able to get the #3 berry bed ready, it is all mud.

            I went out to pick berries yesterday, and the most difficult part was the water and wet ground, not the stickers. There is a word I use often when picking the berries and it is, "Ouch"! I have wondered how many times I say ouch each time I am picking the berries. My favorite wife uses the same word too. I have no idea now how many quarts of berries we have in the freezer.

            If patch #1 and #2 provide so many berries, why am I planning #3? Well, I can splane that to you Lucy, When I have little or nothing to do around the Homestead, I look for things to do, and that was something that would take some time and be kind of fun to do. It will stop raining someday, and then I will be required to water the plants. (Something else to do.)

            We still have not received the new glass top for the table on the patio and the umbrella is still in the garage.

            Back to the sun shine, as I sit here entering this data into the computer I have the security cameras on, I can see the bright sun light. 😊 Photo to follow.

ic change; as you might know, I have written many blog postings, in the area of 2000. I have also written some stories. I want to go through my SD-cards, thumb drives, and computers, finding the latest versions of each. Over the years I have save writings and backed them up on various devices. I want to read each of them and save them on a secure drive.

            I might print them too. I do think when I re-read some of these stories, did I write that, it is good. Now I guess that sounds as if I am bragging on myself, and I am. No one else reads them. 

Enjoy the sunshine!

Senior person who is happy for the morning sun, Don the Ford

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