Tres and I went for an early morning walk, you know, it is supposed to be much cooler today than yesterday. There was less heat in today's walk, but I was still hot and sweaty when we arrived home, but not as hot as yesterday!
Yesterday, I had a list of several things that I wanted or needed to do. Let's see how well an ole retired senior person did.
Water the flowers in the back yard, Done, Black berries too
Try to find a cooler in the Ford's ole shed, Done, did not find
Look for any empty totes in the shed, Done, did not find, went to store and purchased.
Mow the front yard, Done, Mowed my front yard;
Done, mowed it a second time;
Done, mowed the neighbors front yard!
Paint a piece of ply wood, Done
Topic change; While watering the flowers, I found a frog in a flower pot, green arrow marks the spot.
Wow, an ole retired senior person was able to do more than he had planned to do, and he is still able to sit around and complain about everything! What could be better?
I thought I needed a cooler to put items from the ole ice box in, while they install the new refrigerator tomorrow, and allow it time to get cool on the inside. My favorite wife moved a couple items from the ice box, and what is left is mostly soda, water and gator aid, which don't need to be refrigerated. I think we are ok.
I need to bring the ole riding mower to the garage, where I can pretend to work on it. I think it might need some adjustments and some lubrication.
Comment on lubrication and then I will shut up: when I put fresh oil in a lawn mower, I find it almost impossible to see where it is, on the dip stick. Clean oil is clear! ☹
Enjoy the cool day, it will not last!
Senior retired person enjoying the cooler day, Don the Ford
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