
Friday, June 4, 2021

Another day of ... 06/04/2021

            Well, the grand kids are coming back home today. They have been on vacation with other grandparents all this week.

            My favorite spouse had an eye doctor’s appointment yesterday, we had to drive to Temple Texas to see this doctor. It was the first time I have driven to Temple in over a year. The interstate is three or more lanes all the way there. A lot of things along the road seemed different to me, and if it had not been for the GPS, we would never have found the doctors office.

            I find it difficult to understand where all these vehicles are going. There seemed to be as many 18 wheelers on the highway as there was cars.

            About half way there it began to sprinkle rain, just enough to have the windshield wipers off and on. The drive home was a little better as we knew where we were going, even though it sprinkled rain on us about half way.

            Tres was left in the garage while we were gone, he was happy to see us when we arrived. Tres actually likes to be in the garage with the door up just a little. He lays there and looks out from under the door. Heck he is in the garage right now. I think he likes the cool cement floor.

            My favorite wife’s eyes were dilated while at the doctor’s office, so being cloudy made the ride home better. We went to the cracker place for supper and I asked her if she was going to wear her sun glasses inside the restaurant. She had them on and off several times as she tried to eat. The glasses were so dark that it was difficult for her to see what she was doing.

            I do have a couple things I need, or want to do today, the rain, if any, will help me decide what to do.

            I think all the rain we have had over the last few weeks has made me even lazier than normal. I think of something I need to do, then I find ways the weather will keep me from doing it. I will make a list in a few minutes and see if I can get anything done.


May your day be Blessed!

Senior retired lazy ole person who has been blessed, Don the Ford

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