
Monday, January 18, 2021

What did I do? 01/18/2021

            The title line asks, ‘What did I do’, meaning what did I do yesterday, and yesterday was Sunday. The answer is, “Not much”. 

            The weather was warm yesterday, with lots of sun shine. Tres took me for a walk, which we both enjoyed.

            I took some time and sat outside in the sun drinking a cup of coffee.

            I hung some bird houses, hopefully providing a few new residences for some of the flying population. Before anyone asks, I have not made any new bird houses lately, these were houses that I had made to give away, but since no one comes around, I was unable to give them away.

            I decided to take a short ride on the Ford’s ole new bike, and I went up and down the street a few times. I discovered a neighbor and his wife sitting outside in the sun. I stopped and ask how they were doing, to which they replied, we are in a 10-day self-quarantine. They said they had been exposed to someone with the virus. I was in the street a safe 30 feet away from them, we did talk for a while. They both said they are filling ok, he said he can’t smell or taste anything.

            My favorite wife and I were out in the back 40 reviewing the property Sunday afternoon. As we were heading back into the house my spouse tripped over a cement block on the patio, fell and bumped her head, along with hurting her wrist. She says other than her wrist hurting everything else is normal.

            School is out today due to Martin Luther King Day. We need to decide on our new schedule of taking the grandkids to and or from school. We haven’t done that for quite a while, but now that their mother has a job, we will be available as a, “Pickup and delivery service”. Wow, we are needed again!

            That is the news from the Ford’s Homestead.


Smile, you will feel good!


Senior person who needs lots of smiles, Don the Ford

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