
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Habits are hard to 01/28/2012

            I have learned that some habits are hard to break. When you have done the same thing at the same time every day for a period of time, you no longer even think about it you just do it. Lately, I have been trying to break a few habits, and I have had some success at a couple.

            Example, each morning I would get into the ole office by 7:00 and turn the TV on to a certain news channel. Some time back I decided I wanted to stop listening to the so-called news, you know, that presidential crap. I still come in here and turn on the computer. I now tell Alexa to turn the XM radio on 60s music. Ole 60s music is much better than the news crap, and I can enter data into the ole computer while the music is playing. Ole music has a positive effect on me! 😊

            I eat something for lunch every day at 11:00am. I am never hungry at 11:00, it is just the habit that I eat lunch then.

            When I want to stop an ole habit, or start a new habit, I try and make a plan. Often, an ole habit is replaced with a new habit.

            Habits are different from addictions, and stopping an addiction is much more difficult than changing a habit. When I gave up nicotine, I was in a bad mood for some time. I did at times want to hurt someone. I am truly happy that I stopped the nicotine many years ago, but I do know I could be drawn back into the addiction.

            Topic change: I have stated that I was never told to hire a person of a certain sex, color, or race, but I now remember there was a time that I was told to hire a certain person.

            We were looking for a new supervisor, the title in today's world would now be a department manager. We had interviewed a few candidates and HR was helping with the interviews. There was one candidate that I wanted to hire, but the HR person told me I would not get that person passed the president of the company, I should take the other candidate. I gave in and took the other candidate.

            I should have stood my ground and fought for the right candidate. That person we hired was a mistake, he was not a people person. He stayed about a year and finally quit. That was the only time I was told to hire someone. 😐

            Additional topic; as I sat here after reading from the bible, it came to me that some homemade tamales might be good for supper. I was able to drag my ole body out of my chair, and stagger into the TV room, where my favorite wife was situated. I calmly looked at her lovely face and asked, "were you thinking about tamales for supper", to which she replied, "yes I was"! Wow, it has only been 52 years and we are finally thinking a like. I went to the freezer and procured a package of homemade tamales. They will be thawed out by supper time.

I am glad you are a good person!

Senior retired use to be good guy and tamale eater, Don the Ford

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