
Friday, January 8, 2021

Could it happen 01/08/2021

            They say it might happen this Sunday. What is that which could happen you ask, allow me to enlighten you, the reading public, and that one other person. This thing that might happen, hasn’t happened for many years, it could SNOW in central Texas! The so-called prognosticators are saying, we could see from .5 to 3 inches of snow, or nothing but rain. Also, it has been stated, “If we get an inch of snow it will be the first time since 2011”. I bet on rain!

            With that in mind, I am thinking of trying to get the Ford’s ole sled out of the shed, and putting a for sale sign on it, with a price tag of $500. Heck, maybe there will be some one dumb enough, I mean willing to buy it!        

            If memory serves me, and it probably doesn’t, I believe we brought it from Missouri with us 42 years ago, that would make it an antique, and antiques are worth more money!


            Subliminal messages, could they be in some TV commercials. You can look up the word on your phone or computer, if you don’t know what its definition is. As I was in the Ford’s ole front room, the TV was on and there was a commercial being presented. I began to hear a slight ding, ding, ding, so I looked at my phone but it was sleeping, and the ding continued. It was not loud but I could hear it. I then assumed correctly, that the ding was coming from the TV sound system. The ding stopped as soon as the commercial stopped. The ding did what it was supposed to, it got my attention.

            There is another method of getting one’s attention to a commercial, and that is, “Having a red-haired person in the commercial”. Red hair draws one’s attention, as real red hair is rare.

            Permit me to point out one other thing that will get one’s attention, and that is, a person male or female who has white slacks on. White slacks on TV, or in real life, will get your attention. I first thought it was just a good-looking set of legs inside the tight pants, but later determined that white pants show dirt and that is why most people don’t wear them. If white pants are not frequently worn, then when they are worn, they get our attention. Getting our attention is the goal of commercials.

            I guess the white pants are somewhat like a female subject who has a short skirt and cowgirl boots on. That always gets my attention. Boots and a short dress make a good attention getter! Wow, how did I get from possible snow, to boots and a short skirt? Silly ole Grandpa! 


Be aware of attention getters!


Senior retired person who is aware of subliminal messages, Don the Ford  

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