
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday morning posting 01/24/2021

            Today is Saturday, I have nothing to write about this morning. The weather is wet and very uninviting. Tres doesn't want to take me for a walk. The black and white movie is kinda boring, but it is better than the so-called news.

            My favorite wife and I will go to the Wal store today, we need a couple items.

            We went to the "H" grocery store yesterday and got some cat food. We were looking for some vitamin D with calcium, per the doctor's instructions. Evidently ole people need them to have strong bones, or to repair ole broken bones.

            I guess we will need to come up with something for lunch. I would like a Reuben sandwich, if I can find one that is good, and that I can pick up and take home. Wait a minute, that would cost money and we are retired and on a fixed income. I guess food remains out of the question for today.

            There is a black and white Tarzan movie on, this Tarzan talks like an educated person, and his scream is not the one that the later Tarzan used. It is also the same Tarzan movie that was on lats week. Boring! Tarzan is over now, maybe something better will come on. 😐 😊

            Tres and I did get out for a walk between the damp periods of weather Saturday.


Sunday is now here: Well, the weather hasn't changed, it is still damp and very foggy. This morning when the Tres and I went out to get the paper, he did not take the time to visit the entire front yard, he went to the paper, grabbed it, then headed for the door.

            Be nice to others, keep your friends and family in mind, offer a prayer for others!

Nothing to write about!


Senior retired person who needs coffee, Don the Ford

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