
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday 05.27.2020

            I have a photo, click to enhance.
            Tres and I went out front as usual this morning, so the Tres could relieve himself on some of the flowers, and then he gets the so-called newspaper. I was standing at the Ford’s ole mail box admiring the nice job I had done yesterday, mowing the lawn. The lawn was very tall and needed to be cut for a couple days, but with the recent rains I was not able to do the lawn care.
            As I stood there admiring my recent achievements, I noticed the Ford’s cat Charlie, was in one of the Ford’s ole rocking chairs on the front porch. He uses the chairs more than we do.
            I worked on my newest project yesterday which is hopefully going to be a chair. I had to do a bunch of work with a plane, and there is still more to do. This is all hand work as this retired senior person does not own many power tools like real people do.
            I had suggested that if I get it built I might call it my meditation chair. My wife suggested that it be called the time out chair. There is still a lot of work needing to be done, and using the old scrap wood makes it even more difficult. If we weren’t retired and on a fixed income we could afford to by furniture like real people do, and not need to make items from scrap lumber.                  All donations to the ole folks fund will be kept confidential!
Don’t get old, don’t retire!
Senior ole retired scrapper upper, Don the Ford


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