
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Photos of nature 05/06/2020

            I have been working on an inventory of the items in our ole shed. I think there is about a million dollars’ worth of junk I mean items in the shed. Yesterday, I went to the shed as it was kind of cool outside, which means the shed was not too hot inside, and organized some of my items. Then I decided to attempt to inventory a few of the items. There may not be a million dollars’ worth, but there is likely a million items to be listed. I am not attempting to count the nuts and bolts just saying they are there. I took some photos and you would not believe all the stuff.
            I have an idea for another scrap wood project, if it come to fruition I would provide additional input, if not then NOPE! Photos of nature to follow.   Click if you like.
            The black berries are beginning to turn and the birds are taking the ripe berries, I may need to stand guard at the berries.

            I got to go, C U L


Senior photographer and floral expert, Don the Ford


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