
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Prediction 05/14/2020

            If you had in fact been reading my posting, you would have known that I whole heartedly believe in the robot revolution, and the fact that it is already in development.

            Like many new procedures and processes, if one introduces a small portion at a time, the participants will more easily accept it. It is kind of like introducing a new procedure at work, which will be replacing and ole procedure that has been in place for years. If the higher ups introduce the entire new process at one time, they will likely receive a lot of back-lash from staff saying, the old way has worked great for years. Staff are really attempting to state, we know what we are doing now, we don’t want to learn something new, and we don’t like change

            Wow, I just provided info for this soon to be wonderful posting and to anyone who might be in management.       Am I that good?

            If anyone is reading this article, which is soon to be a prediction, and they have never had an echo dot or other similar device, then they will most likely not understand. I have Alexa sitting here on my desk. I can ask her it, just about anything and it has the answer. When I am reading the bible and I find a word that I do not understand, I ask Alexa to pronounce, then I spell the word, then Alexa pronounces the word. Then I ask Alexa to define the word and it does. In other words, this device has access to almost all information.

            Now that I have presented enough history lets gets to the prediction.


            In 3.5 years, we will be expected to do all medical inquires, conversations, and exams from our computer at home. The image you see on the computer will look and move like a person, when in fact it is just an image on your screen, a robotic image. The device will have access to all your medical records, and all medical information that can be found on the internet. The robotic image will have more information available, which it can access in seconds, than a real doctor. The robotic image will prescribe medicines and let you know if you need to go to emergency room. In some situations it will call the ambulance for you!


            It may not be so bad, but I don’t like change, and I don’t like the idea of a robot doctor. Robots will replace all humans in the future! 


Real people should consider my prediction!

Senior prognosticator and want to be a real person, Don the Ford


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